Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Already loving Chicago :-)

Well I made it to Chicago safe and sound. It was not a bad trip at all. Everything was smooth.

I am staying on the campus of the University of Chicago in the Hyde Park neighborhood. Yep Barack Obama's old stomping ground. I can definitely see this as his old neighborhood. Oddly diverse and trendy.. Very pretty homes and cute shops tucked away amonsgst the homes.

I love being in the city environment. Walking everywhere... I walked to the grocery store yesterday, yoga this morning. Grabbed an amazing sandwich at lunch from this place if you are ever in the neighborhood. It is very refreshing to not need a car for a little bit.. I know do not ask me what these people do when it gets cold. I love walking through a city alone.. I did it in Paris and again here in Hyde Park. I just randomly walk into any book store I please.. I found a cute French bakery and watched a few cute kids play for a minute.

All I know is Chicago in September is absolutely delightful.

Unfortunately it just hit me that I am rotating in the medical intensive care unit and these will be very very sick people. Must be on my A game. For me that means staying up on my rest. My peeps know... Me and NO sleep do not mix.  Many examples in life of this.. Fall 05, this past weekend.. CIAA the day after.. need I list more..

I also have no camera. I cannot find my durn kodak.. I think this might be a sign. I might just order a canon camera and hope for the best. thats what I should do.. RIGHT?? go broke for life experiences!?

I'm in need of a lighter computer too. these extra heavy IBM computers.. NOT FOR THE CITY LIFE.
An ipad may 2012.. seriously. Graduation! somebody tell my fam.. ;-)

Must read now... SO I CAN WORK HARD AND PLAY HARD :-)

STAY FLY AND 25! :-)

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