Saturday, August 6, 2011

happy and secure. yep!

Me and regular guest Amanda! 25 fly and free!

I was reading this book How to Meet a Guy at the Supermarket, don’t worry, it’s a fictional, fun, summer read, not “self-help” and realized that while I picked the book up for a pure summer escape, amidst all the fluff there was some enlightenment waiting.  Quick synopsis: A quirky journalist, Quinn, after living all over the world writing has finally settled into the OBX of NC. Deciding it time for her to find a man, she gets the “genius” idea to find an ordinary man in the supermarket.  After some pretty comical mis-haps, which include being mistaken for a prostitute and almost punching a middle-aged man in the face, she eventually meets someone (not in the supermarket), unfortunately, this guy is NOT THE ONE and turns out to be a possessive jerk who gets into a drunken bar fight that leaves Quinn with a black eye!  All is not lost however because the subsequent breakup brings her (& me) some enlightenment. 
She realizes that her sudden desire to find “the one” and her horribly clouded character judgment stemmed from loneliness.  She begins to learn that she doesn’t NEED a man and is happy with her life as it is.  A man wasn’t what she had been looking for anyway, she was looking for happiness and friendship.  After not having felt a need to go “grocery shopping” in weeks, she states, “finding a relationship seemed secondary to my happiness.  I felt like the primary goal had been achieved...”  This quote brings me to my “ahha moment”: Yes, we all feel bouts of loneliness in this thing called life as a young, single, and fly woman in her twenties but the important thing to focus on is our happiness. Everything else will fall into place.
Briana and I had dinner last night and it was so refreshing to discuss and share our lives (professional, social, family, and love all included) and to see how we are all doing so well and most importantly how HAPPY and SECURE we are with ourselves and our lives.  No, we may not have EVERYTHING we want or all our plans for life set in stone but we’re happy enjoying the ride; Living, Growing, Laughing Partying, and eventually LOVING!
So ladies, next time you are feeling down because you are at home on your couch on a Saturday night, be thankful that you are secure enough in yourself to polish off that carton of Ben & Jerry’s with no one to answer to and even MORE thankful that you don’t have to worry about finding the time to go to the gym because you can selfishly devote your entire day to the gym if you choose, because there is no hubby, or kiddies waiting at home for you to cook them Sunday dinner!
Stay Fly Ladies, but most importantly STAY HAPPY!

Thanks Amanda! She always knows how to come through with an excellent blog post!!
Post written by Amanda! UNC School of Dentistry Student. Class of 2013. UNC graduate! And one of the best friends a girl can ask for.

1 comment:

LaVonne said...

Great post! =)