Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Help Part 2

Well Peeps

I enjoyed the movie more the book! Can you believe that? I was pleasantly surprised with the movie. It had more emotion for me and I felt the burdens of the ladies in the book. They movie writers did take some liberties and made some big changes. Overall the soul of the book was not lost which often occurs when books become movies. The movie the Help gets an A + in my book. Great summer movie..

I especialy enjoyed what they did with Celia. I imagined her differently but thorougly enjoyed her character. I enjoyed aibileen more in the movie. Of course Minny is still my favorite. Did anyone think Skeeter was a little too cute?? And stuart?? I imagined him a little older and more rugged... Overall  I loved all the movie characters. Esp Skeeter's mom! Almost forgot her!!

Now I did go to see this movie with 2 characters. Shout out to Christen who was crying on my right and Chelsea who was the loud black girl in the theater on my left. Commentary was hilarious.  And I had to fight for our seats cause both chics were late. thank goodness this was the nice quiet side of durham. In atl that mess would not fly. Those seats would have been gone.


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