Thursday, August 11, 2011

My Review of the Help PART 1.

Hey Peeps :-)

I have been slacking lately. First. Blame it on my med school grind. Second. I have to be inspired. No worries! I have some new things on my mind. Plenty of new posts to come.

Well.... I followed the hype and read The Help. I love to read books and then see the movie. So of course I said why not read The Help.

I would definitely say it was a cute read. A very enjoyable summer read. Is this the best book I have ever read? Not really. I was a little underwhelmed but I enjoyed the story.  I definitely feel like the author kept just enough fluff and happiness in this story to keep us from being depressed.  What kept this book from hitting it out the park for me..... i needed some grit. I guess I felt like the author did not reveal anything new to me that I did not know. Yeah.. I know. Black women in the south before the 60s.....we were the help. yada yada yada. What else you got? Thats what I really wanted to say.  I really wanted the author to dig a little deeper, day in and day out, to serve someone that doesn't recognize you as a person. The weight of racism on your mind, body and soul. The struggles..

Once I realized that this was more of an enjoyable story I sat back and enjoyed the read. It was pleasant and I had a few laughs. My favorite character was definitely Minny. She was crazy and had spunk. My heart definitely hurt for her. Without giving the story away. I felt inner strength and resilience from her character.

Abileen was great.. but it did seem as though her intelligence was supposed to be surprising. I was not suprised. We read.

Skeeter. Poor thing. I'm glad she was able to finally see her town for what it was.

Ms. Celia. Lord help her. Met her man selling hot dogs at the football game. smh.

Ms. Leefolt. She annoyed me. I wanted to slap her and I'm not violent. haha. Did anyone feel the same?

Last and definitely least. Ms. umm I cant even think of her name. The lady who likes chocolate! Last chapter in the book.. Yall know who read it. Hatred for unknown reasons at its best. Even though her level of hate was milder then I'm sure it really was. She was almost unbearable at times. I'm just glad she was chubby. lol. made me feel better. haha.

The best thing about this book and what I believe in. Bonds between people happen no matter race, creed or color. At the end of the day.. I love having friends of all different backgrounds beliefs and interests and I am glad the bond between Skeeter and Aibilieen showed that. I am so blessed that I grew up seeing my mom love all of her friends.. white or black. I grew up in the kitchens of soo many great women.


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