Monday, August 29, 2011

I'm going to the CHI and other random stuff

Hi Friends!

The year of the 25 is alive and well. More interesting posts are soon to come. I am excited to announce.. I AM GOING TO THE CHI! I am really excited. I'll be in Chicago for 3.5 weeks rotating in the medical intensive care unit. :-0  Hopefully I will be able to explore the city in the few moments I get out of the hospital. This is all about my search to figure out where I am spending the next 3 years.

What are my requirements for my next destination?
1) big city
2) east coast
3) rich in culture
4) diverse... (interpret as you would like)

under comments let me know where you think I will end up after graduation! I'm excited..

next topic...

This weekend my brother was kind enough to hang out with the fam since I came to visit. Background.. he has an apt downtown and was in Germany all summer. After good family fun at the church picnic, line dancing and church on Sunday.. he went back on his way to his apt for class on Monday.
Speaking for myself.. I was too tired from partying thurs and fri that I could barely pay attention during the sermon. Brennen apparently learned something and posts on facebook.. "Today's sermon got me feeling like Elijah running into the wilderness with crazy ol Jezebel chasing me. I can't give up; we can't give up. Time to get up and eat."
My father.. new to facebook. Reads this message to my mother.. Who decides that my brother is depressed and crying out for help.  As people on twitter say.. #icant

We go from happy that my brother even comes to church with the family.... to he is depressed and crying out for help. Brother gets out of class Monday with 3 voicemails from my parents and text from me saying.. YO empty next syndrome is in full affect. tried to save u but i failed.

LESSON: Parents should not be on facebook.


Did anyone else love all that dancing Chris Brown did on the VMAs? I know he is a lost soul and his behavior is unacceptable.. but goodness can he dance. I am about to play that thing on repeat so i can get some moves.. dancer in me ;-)

Live your life live your life........  Yes beautiful people is my new favorite song.

1 comment:

Joy said...

Good performance by Chris Breezy; Lol @ Jay-Z, true to his word, dude hasn't let the Rihanna thing go, mean mugging through the entire show; I'm not mad at him, I'm not mad at him at all.