Sunday, November 20, 2011

wine and baking

My new baking basics cookbook. Really explains the basics :)
As many of you all know... I am off from school until January 3rd! Yeahhhh boy!!!! :)  I haven't had a month off since the summer after 1st year. My life has been a full court press since the 2nd year of medical school started.  I'm excited to rest, explore a few programs and enjoy some free time.

WELL!!! What have I been up to in my free time?? I decided to hit the kitchen. Until yesterday I had NEVER baked anything alone from scratch. I usually stay out the kitchen. I hated the kitchen growing up... but slowly I have realized that baking can be relaxing, creative, a way of showing your love... and according to BFF Amanda.. helps us get ready for that future wifey status ;) 

Its amazing how life changes as you mature. Its all about being 25 and exploring new things :) 

It felt really good to bake. I had my music on. Sipped a little wine :)  I was also baking for others. I had two people in mind that have been kind to me and I wanted to let them know I appreciate their kindness. 


*google black bottom cupcakes and tons of recipes will come up!

My first cupcake from scratch :)

they look so pretty

swirling the creme cheese was my favorite part
This book was less then 10 dollars and really helped me out! 


And who knew my BFF Amanda was already a baking queen! Post of a recipe of hers coming soon! ;)



My first time using a hand mixer since maybe age 12...

My cream cheese blended with my new mixer skills ;)

My new stuff. I had to buy a bowl and hand mixer! 

Learned in my book the importance of accurate measuring of materials. I was focused. 

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