Friday, November 4, 2011

Photo Shoot Fresh: Homecoming Part 2

This story begins on a cool Carolina weekend.. with 3 main characters: 

Amanda "I invented swag" Stephens

Candice "you might just meet game" Miles


Briana "Lets Get Faded" Buckner

Last weekend 3 best friends from college set out to have a good time. I'm not sure why some years we get more excited about hc then others.. But this year we were excited. PLUS.. its a yearlong graduation celebration! ;)

It started with resting up on friday... Cause clearly we are getting old and can't go two nights like we used too. We started with the football game and the Black Alumni Tailgate. BAR tailgate was cute. DJ could've been a little louder.. (fresh off Spelhouse "shrug").  

Football game.. We gave it our best effort. It was cold. We made it to half time though! I can barely follow football like I used too. Probably better to go with a dude. oh well. Girls.. we just people watch. 

Later.. Rested up again for #DHOE.. aka "Trying to get chose". Cause we like to partayy

Well apparently we were trying to get chose.. According to the latest hip hop slang. No other comments on that.

All I have to say is.. We were living life! 

I will say.. I think mission was accomplished. We broke some hearts.  Left em hurt.. ;)

I LOVED SEEING ALL MY OLD COLLEGE FRIENDS!! Shout out to Mhandy, Akeisha, Iris, Tavia, Cydney B! Just a few of the many folks I was VERY VERY HAPPY TO SEE. 

SHALONDA, RENAE. BIANCA. Ashley H. We missed you!

Methyl and Ethyl :-)

Too cute! where was i? 

Candice was too cool for this pic. Glad u could throw a hand in Candice. 

Classic Candice face. Someone was misbehaving. 

EMO! We spent half the party in the lobby. This is where breaking hearts started.. 

And i think we spent the other half of the party in the bathroom taking pics... 

I think I remember the wobble.. 

Thank God we made it Tavia! 

My number Danielle! 22. DST. love this pic. She fly!

** All photos courtesy of I invented swag and you might just meet game ;)
MOST of my pics are courtesy of them.. in almost every post. :)

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