Saturday, November 5, 2011

Who is my neighbor?

Two themes on my spirit are purpose and helping others. What is my purpose? To whom much is given.. Much is required.  As I approach the end of one goal (med school) and approach a new place in life.... I am beginning to question, redevelop and re explore my purpose. I remember starting medical school and professing in every interview how much I want to help people. 4 years later.. What was my impact? Did I live these past years with purpose and lead with an innovative spirit. Will my day to day profession really be an act of kindness, compassion and empathy? Probably not. I have realized that medicine is unfortunately not the altruistic profession that I hoped it would be. 

I guess God is reminding me that I sincerely hope my purpose is to help others with my hands, efforts, spirit and love. 

Today I ask you.. Is loving thy neighbor apart of your true purpose? 

This brought me to read a sermon by Martin Luther King titled "On Being a Good Neighbor. " 

I always enjoy reading MLK. If you've never read a sermon by MLK. I encourage you to do so. In the year of the 25 as we strive to be great people.. we MUST learn from the great leaders and innovative people before us. 

On Being a Good Neighbor.

Habitat 4 Humanity. I love Durham. And I was  no joke with the power tools. 

My questions/thoughts after reading MLK...

Do you take interest in others?

Do you feel compassion for those in tricky life situations?

"Major failure in history has been limiting neighborly concern to tribe, race, class or nation. "

Do you have concern for what happens to people outside of your group?

"Philanthropy is great but do not overlook the economic injustice that makes philanthropy necessary."

The road to help your neighbor is actually dangerous at times?

"In dangerous valleys and hazardous pathways, he will lift some bruised and beaten brother to a higher and more noble life."

"True sympathy is the personal concern that demands the giving of one's soul."

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