Saturday, June 18, 2011

running... yoga... Summertime fly and fit :-)

Hey folks! My computer is dying soooo these posts are SUPER QUICK!!

As you all know. I love to live, workout, eat, read and chill... IDK when I squeeze trying to be a doctor in the mix. :-0

Lately I have noticed a lot of my friends are getting into fitness as well ;-) Which is great of course!

I really think fitness is one of those things that really must deep down be apart of your life. So many people do it in waves... 6 months they work out hard core then the next 6.. they don't. either way.. Results will speak more than you telling everyone your latest work out trend. AnD!! even better when you feel good.. Thats all you need. Not compliments.. or feeling apart of the fitness community. ok enough of that!

RUNNING! When I started running after my first year of med school.. I started from scratch. I was never an outdoorsy girl. During the summer I went to the library in Rochester, MN to see what I could get my hands on :-)  I found a great book that I read from cover to cover.

I highly encourage reading this book. It breaks it down. How to train for big races, what good shoes will do for you, what workouts compliment running (i.e yoga).  Check it out!!!
And hopefully!! I will see you out there on the trails :-)

ALSO runners world is a great magazine! They have it at the library. And during the month of July they have a half marathon issue. VERY GOOD!

Whose down for yoga next Saturday..?? I'm trying to diversify the class!! LETS GO!! 9am.

Some other GREAT SITES!

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