Wednesday, June 8, 2011

"med student down"

Well folks.. Another story for the year of the 25..

Today I done fell out.. as folks in NC say.

Let me tell a quick story. I am on OB/GYN at a nameless hospital in the queen city of charlotte.:-( I have to round SUPER early. Somehow it seems harder now than it did when I was on my surgery rotation at UNC..  idk.. maybe thats because I loved it there. Yep thats probably it. But anywho. I digress.

Well I eat at 5am so by 7ish I'm starting to need a snack. By 8 its time for my second breakfast. Which is usually a banana and/or a granola bar. For some reason this morning I forgot to grab my banana and granola bar. I had NO SNACKS. Worst decision you can EVER make as a med student.
Our first case was at 7am. We thought it would be quick.. Turned out we had more than we bargained for.

Around 830am. The hunger hit. I looked at the clock. In my head I said,  "please God do not let me be this hungry." What is going on? "Come on Briana. You are strong and resilient." I start to get fidgity and I yawn. My mask gets messed up from my yawn. "Come on Briana, stay focused."  "Oh no.. i'm starting to get lightheaded"   things start fading..

"Dr. Such and Such... I think I am getting light headed." Well go sit down.. .BOOM.

I was out. Before I could even orient myself. I hit the floor! The room went dark and i think I heard med student down. I woke up to.. we might need a stretcher in OR 22 and my feet were propped up on the bovie machine.

I immediately said... NOOOO no stretcher please. Nurse says what about a wheel chair? Me. No i dont need that either.

I say.. " I'm hungry!"  Surgeon: :Well what did u eat?"  Me: cheerios (in my head.. at 5am!)

Surgeon: Well u arent the first and u wont be the last. Go get some food and come back.

I WAS OFFICIALLY STRUGGLING. Oh! and my finger broke my fall. yep its swollen.

Lesson learned. Never leave home without your snacks.

AND.. later that day.. I swear i was about to fall asleep during a long OR case. Nodding while standing up. I thought I was going to pass out part 2.  And when I told the other med student on my team.. he responds. "NO YOU DIDNT"  me. YES I DID. him: did u contaminate the field? me. NO. Him. OK good! u're fine then. u wont fail. lets go get u some snacks from the surgeons lounge.
*Gotta love the classmates.

I hope someone enjoys a laugh. Because I did.

I keep hearing Rihanna Man down in my head.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Oh BRI!! I felt the sinking feeling in my stomach rise when I read that on Twitter today and as I was reading the full account here! I am glad you can laugh about it now and most importantly I'm glad that you are okay!!! Sounds like the staff was nice about it though. That's a relief!