Wednesday, June 22, 2011

CurlyNikki interviews Andrea Bordeaux

Hey Peeps!

Its been a while since I have discussed my natural hair :-0 Its probably because I have not been taking care of it like I should. This article is great on the link below.. Idk who this chic is.. but it describes a lot of the stages in growing your natural hair. My newest challenge. SINGLE STRAND KNOTS!!! Unfortunately with my schedule recently I went tooo long without washing my hair and it was SOOOO tangled. I need to get it together.. or my hair is not going to grow :0 I need hopsital hair ideas.. prob need some professional help too.. But funds are low.. clearly.. refer to prior posts on vacays.

CurlyNikki interviews Andrea Bordeaux

Ten Things they do not tell you when you go natural

1) It takes work
2) Good hair products are expensive
3) The big chop is hard... but WORTH IT.
4) Men are scared by the short hair... but when it grows.. they love it.
5) The short phase is so much fun!! Low upkeep.
6) It grows fast.
7) Black people have a harder time adjusting to you being natural.. why? no clue.
8) Family can be the last to except it..
9) And to your permed friends.. respond.. yeah it may be a fad.. but i love it.. and keep it moving.
10) TRULY LEARN TO LOVE YOU! its all about learning every aspect of yourself including your curl. And no longer conforming to the social contructs of beautiful that have been enslaved into our heads for centuries.

What inspired u to go natural? Reading the autobiography of malcolm x is what planted my seed :-)

Romans 12: 2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

any stories about your hair..? or discovering your inner beauty?? let me know! You can be a guest on my blog :-0

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