Saturday, April 30, 2011

Modern Day Chivalry

Modern Day Chivalry
Is chivalry dead? Or has the definition changed?
Am I living in a fairy tale to think that the chivalry of a time before mine still exists?
Where do our expectations of chivalry arise from anyway? Maybe it was the fairy tales read to us as little girls… or maybe it was Bell and Jasmine in the many Disney movies that we fell in love with.
Did the Beast ask Bell on a date through a text message? I certainly hope Aladdin walked Jasmin to her door after that amazing carpet ride.
But I mean who am I to try and figure out where the fairy tale meets reality. Or whether they ever really will meet at all.
But we can’t blame it all on Disney movies and fairy tales that we have high expectations. Our latest love stories do not help the situation either. As I watch the notebook I get all mushy inside...That guy wrote her letters for a year.  And don’t forget Love Jones. Classic. I heard it said today…. Don’t underestimate the power of poetry… it sure did get Lorenz Tate and Nia Long in trouble. J
So as I reflect on modern day chivalry…
I guess IT IS getting asked on a date through a text, a facebook message asking if you will be in town, a tweet saying hit me up, and even a wink on the latest site.
But I can’t help wishing there was a little more of the old mixed into the modern. A phone call with plans, a walk to my door even if you won’t be invited in, a kind hearted you look wonderful, and a let me get your door.
And no I am not complaining. Just reflecting on where we are in time. A time when you really can go an entire date without hearing a compliment… only to receive it hours later through a text or a tweet. Well ladies until we can jump back in time.. I guess we will giggle over our texts, tweets and electronic winks.

Well I am off to watch love jones. Live vicariously through Nia. Haha.

PS.. please dont take my posts too seriously. Just a young gal.. enjoying life. when u get that text saying.. you looked great tonight. Please reply. haha. dont mess up a good thing. ;-) just a simple reflection... on that modern day chivalry.


CreAmChEeSEandPumPerNIcKeL said...

LOL...I'm glad you posted this! I'm writing a post on chivalry too except I put some DETAILS girl ( I hope you don't mind, I'll send it to you for approval first!) I won't post it for a little while! But you should expect a gentleman to be a gentleman whether is 1908 or 2030! I'm not asking you to pay my bills, get my hair and nails done and wash my car! But I DO expect you to call me and not text. I won't settle for nonsense...sorry for ya!

Ashley said...

I think Chivalry still exists. And it is definitely not too much to ask for a man to open your door, pull out your chair before you sit down to eat, tell you that you are beautiful, etc. I think how chivalrous a man is has a lot to do with how he was raised. If he grew up in a home where his father expressed this time of attention to his mother...he is very likely to treat women with the same type of respect.

Like a lot of things, chivalry is learned. What does that mean for the men who did not have that upbringing...that is a good question? Do you drop them? Or try to help them learn the things you expect in the relationship?