Sunday, April 10, 2011

Young and Fly OR Single and Lame?

Hey Friends! For your Sunday afternoon pleasure :-)  Meet my Homie Amanda! BFF since Freshman year, ride or die Davis Library crew member aka Methyl. ENJOY

Young and Fly OR Single and Lame?
I’m sitting at home after a long day and an even loonger week wondering what I was going to do for dinner, my friends were busy and cooking was NOT an option after the week I’d had.  I was really craving some Outback when the thought entered my mind to go eat by myself.  Eating alone is no big deal to me at this point, I’ve done it before but it’s usually on a random weekday for BOGO Shiki Sushi.  Going on a Saturday night was uncharted territory.  I wondered, “would eating out alone on a Saturday night make me Young and Fly or just Single and Lame?”  I posed the question to my Tweeps and @bribri1523 replies: “@MandaPandaDDS nope! Do you! :-) young and independent!!”  That was all the encouragement I needed.  I hopped up, threw on a low key outfit (excited to wear my cute, new rain boots) a bit of makeup and out the door I went! 
I arrive and was slightly self-conscious telling the hostess, “Just one” after she asks “how many?”  Fortunately, I avoided the solo walk behind the hostess to my table, by snagging a perfect booth near the bar.  I eased my nerves a bit by exchanging a few pleasantries in Spanish with the man that cleaned the table.  The waitress finally comes and innocently asks “Is anyone joining you?”  I pause, smile brightly, grab the drink menu, and say, “Nope, it’s just me!” and proceed to order an Ah-maazing Strawberry Peach Sangria.
I must admit waiting for my food to arrive was a little awkward at first, and I did feel like people were staring (definitely think that was just me being paranoid) but once I relaxed, allowed myself to listen to my own thoughts, and enjoy the fact that I DIDN’T have to talk I realized, it really wasn’t so bad after all.  There were many more positives to the experience than negatives: I was able to get the good meal and drink I wanted, I didn’t have to wait for anyone to get ready before I could leave to meet at the restaurant, nor did I have to wait on anyone else to order!  I was able to thoroughly enjoy my meal, and most of all enjoy being with MYSELF!  By the second or third bite I was feeling pretty good, and when a waiter (a guy that clearly couldn’t help but notice my flyness) stopped and said “you’re eating alone?  That’s how you do on a Saturday night?” I happily shrugged my shoulders and said “I was hungry.”
I left the restaurant with my head held high and feeling more young, fly and fabulous than I did when I entered those doors.  Thanks Bri, for giving me just the nudge I needed to embrace my flyness and enjoy my Saturday with ME!  I encourage everyone to embrace your young-and-flyness and go out to eat on your own, it is quite liberating and you just might discover how great a dinner with YOURSELF can be!


Post Comments!! What do you think?? Will you be grabbing a bite to eat solo soon? I know I will. :-)


The Typical Atypical said...

Love it! I don't think I'm quite there yet (as in dining in alone), but I do agree with embracing things as is. With someone, without - live, love, life regardless! :)

Equilibrium Potential said...

Dr. Buckner! I love love love your blog! And your friend Amanda got an eye exam at my office ayer! Shes so kind!!