Wednesday, April 6, 2011


It started on a cool, dark night in Rome with a bottle of wine and some bread. Four women set out to have a good time and take over Rome.

Me in rome drinking the house wine!

that girl was fresh! Hair by Chelsea :-) thanks chels!!

Our first dinner in Rome! We went hard!! This was my partner in crime and mastermind of the trip. sophia!
Piazza de republica! One of many pretty piazzas
Inside the colliseum
Of course we needed internet! the internet cafe.
Profilin on the bus. Apparently I love public transportation. Gotta be with the people

Me at the Roman Forum. Yeah Julius Ceasar was here! :-)
Inside the Colliseum. I kept hearing in my head.. Spaniard spaniard. Gladiator live and in person.
Rome was jumping on a TUESDAY night!! who would have known! Party was live! and so was the music!!


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