Saturday, April 9, 2011

Taking Chances

Hey Friends!

Its been a while since I have discussed my year as I approach 25. One more month and I will officially be 25 :-) May 17th. As I get closer to this pentacle age I have come to realize how great it is to take chances and do what makes me happy.  What chances have I been taking u might ask??

before the chop
october 2010
HAIR: I really think it all started with me doing the big chop over a year ago.  That was a turning point in my adult life. If you can cut all your hair off u can do anything. :-) That was a chance well taken. I have been LOVING my natural hair. A few months ago I had hit a point of frustration.. but have since pushed through.  I have been twisting my hair throughout the week to give it a stretch and get that big hair look. A little variety was really all I needed.

the afro on the streets of PARIS. Me and sophia theme song: "Girl u be killing em"
DATING: Well... I cant say I have taken as many chances here as I would like.. But maybe I have. As I see it... Not settling for a lack luster relationship or a guy that doesnt make u giggle or smile is taking a chance. Taking a chance that someone great is out there for u. Maybe I have already met him or maybe I haven't but I am taking a chance that this time of growth and being single will make it all the much better. For MY SINGLE 25 ers out there.... Keep taking chances ladies. Get to know yourself and others. BE BOLD. wink wink

TRAVEL!!: This is where I really LOVE to take chances. I have the travel bug. No denying it. Which is so funny because my parents hate to travel. Well atleast my mom does. Everytime I mention going anywhere its greeted by my grandmother saying she will not sleep while i am gone and my mother wondering why i feel like i need to see and do it all. I LOVE TRAVELING. While in Rome I was inspired by how free spirited and affectionate the people were. In Paris I was VERY Inspired by the Fashion of course! If you haven't taken a chance to travel as much as you would like. DO IT NOW. Waiting will only cause you to grow old and WISH u had traveled when u had the strength.

FASHION: WELLLLL.... I think this is my newest area to be bold and take chances. I loved how the women in Paris were so fashionable and un apologetic about it. It was just who they were. So feminine and chic. Definitely made me think... What is my point of view? Where is my style going and how is it maturing? And why am I not having more fun with what I wear? Will definitely be having more fun with my look.

EXERCISE: As always on the grind. trying to get right before summertime ;-0 Lately I have been lifting some weights. We shall see where this goes. As I learn more I will post some good stuff. I think it will complement the running very well. Plus my knees are starting to act up :-/ sO i need some other options other than running all the time. SIDE NOTE: Anyone up for a 5k in MAY???

BLOGGING!! LAST but NOT LEAST. There will be some featured guest blog posts coming soon! Look out for some good stuff. I will be TAKING CHANCES!!! And I hope u will too!! LOOK FOR even more fun to come from THE YEAR OF THE 25 :-0



The Typical Atypical said...

Just caught up on everything, and I love the blog! Real and classy. Keep it up. Glad Rome was a blast!

Portia said...

Your hair looks good! It's funny because my mom isn't big on travelling either unless she's going back to Ghana, so she doesn't understand why I'm always trying to go somewhere. Keep up the awesomeness girl!