Sunday, January 30, 2011

YEah. We're Regulars!

Friday night at THE REPUBLIC durham NC

SOOO I had to share about how much fun I had on Friday night with my friends.  When you're working 12+ hour days on a surgery rotation.. It really does not take much to get a gal excited.  I had this ENTIRE weekend off. And I made good use of it. Me and the girls went to our regular spot. THE REPUBLIC.

Who doesn't have a regular spot.. that no matter what.. U KNOW u are going to have a good time. I mean we even know the owner and the bartender :-) yeah buddy we regulars.

Cute outfit. a bar. music. friends. = GOOD TIMES.  

While I was out a good guy friend decided to tell me "do not become one of those gals that turns 25 and feels like she needs a man." HAHA. Girls.. I was thinking. what in the world. He then says.. trust. Us men see this in the twenty something girls and WE RUN GAME.   SO LADIES. BEWARE. If you are single and young and fly. EMBRACE IT! BE CONFIDENT. Don't give off desperation just because a few friends are hitched with babies.    OR GUESS WHAT. GAME WILL BE RUN. On you. :-)   

and what I heard in church today.. Favor will bring that special someone. :-)  Until then I am going to live the life!!! Plus I really don't need anybody calling my phone everyday anyway. My new line.. Text me.  

Gotta make moves. See the world. 


Happy Bday Julie!

not sure what i was doing. blame it on the martini

Ladies lookin fly. TJ....being TJ
med school crew

??  not sure what we were doing.

Me and Elizabeth :-)

almost 25 and loving it


Amanda said...

Your eyebrows look FLAWLESS girl! Glad you got to go out and have some fun! I want to come out with you next time if my schedule can swing it. You know how that goes...:-/

juju123 said...

yay! finally checked out your it! I had fun that night too! -Julie