Sunday, January 30, 2011


Its been too long as always!!

A few weekends ago me and the girls went out to eat to celebrate one of my friend's bday. (Happy belated Page!)  We had a great time and went to a great restaurant. For the locals if you are looking for a new spot to try... I reccommend Azitra: Authentic Indian Cuisine with a Unique Flair.

The food was great. Atmosphere was nice. The bar made great drinks and u can make reservations.   My friend Sophia chose the spot. She insisted we do something other than the Cheesecake Factory at southpoint. Although still a fav.

Check it Out. Pics Below. The year of the 25 is alive and well.

Sophia and Christin at the bar looking good!

Birthday girl Page! turning 25 :-)

And who said i am on surgery?? :-)

Me and my partner in crime Joy!

SHOUT OUT to JOY for the pics! She really is a major contributor to the blog.

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