Sunday, January 16, 2011


Of course when hanging out with the crew... We often discuss dating. The question that never goes away is what is your type? What are you looking for?   
A certain friend only wants the tall, hunky, fine model type. ;-)  (I've encouraged her to keep dreaming until she meets him) hehe

A common theme at the age of 25.. is swag. But what is swag really?  Is this just a modern day term for confidence. I'd like to think I have swag. :-) 

This leads to my next question.. Since a few of us have decided to try internet dating. How can I properly evaluate your swag. lol. I know i know. sounds a little silly. probable is. I will say that I think swag comes in all different types of people, shades, heights, and personalities. (although 5'2" is pushing it sophia) I say we just keep focusing on our swag and confidence. BE BOLD.  

Quick update on my internet dating life. I'm getting bored. 1 month online and no dates. I might as well have not joined the website. Oh well. Can't say a girl didn't try. I just knew i would have something lined up for the long weekend. I'm giving it one more month.....  Then I'm relying strictly on my swag. :-)

FOR THOSE STILL CONFUSED ABOUT WHAT SWAG IS... Here are some examples :-)  or atleast some good eye candy.

Who has more swag then Idris?

Derek Luke. Oh yeah he has swag  :-)

I can't remember his name. But he has swag.

Denzel. The original definition of swag.

I think this pic is funny. He is almost there. I think i put this pic up for Joy. Swag? or Cute?

THE YEAR OF THE 25!!  Its about maintaining the swag and meeting folks with it!!!



Joy said...

Who's got swag ? My opinions as follows...
1. Yes girl, no one has got more swag than Idris elba...take that Lorlita
2. Ummm..i dunno about Derek Luke...esp in that pic, I wasn't feeling the swag, but maybe If i meet him one day, I'll change mind: he's cute though
3. Mehcad brooks aka chocolate icecream...yes Swag is written all over his face
4. Denzel Washington: the ultimate swagger
5. derwin is sooo cute and adorable but yeah, no swag yet

Amanda said...

OMG! This is why we are Best Friends!! You don't know how many times recently I have thought to myself..."I need to find someone who is smart, intelligent, successful and a gentleman with that Jay-Z swag!!" I'm not attracted to Jay at all physically, but that swag, nothing like it! Your other "Swag" examples are right up there with Jay in my book. :)