Monday, January 17, 2011

to my naturalnistas... like fashionistas :-)

Today I have decided to start a hair regimen!

What is this you may ask?? Its a plan that u have for your hair every week. Shampoo, conditioner, daily moisturizer, deep conditioner, oils.. etc etc.

I was inspired by another great blog called moptopmaven.

This young lady has encouraged all the natural chics out there to really step it up and take care of their hair.
WELLL I am right with her. Today I decided everytime I wash my hair I am going to deep condition it! No matter what. I want long healthy thick locks of kinkiness. :-)  I think I am well on my way but I need to step it up.

Today I used the Miss Jessie's Best Darn Conditioner  and sat under the dryer for 10 minutes.
This week I will be buying another bottle of jojoba oil which is great for my hair. Keeps it moist and looking great.

The biggest challenge lately has been styling while on this surgery rotation. 4:15am is just not the best time to think about style and moisture.

IF YOU ARE NATURAL!!!   START THINKING ABOUT A REGIMEN!!    A recipe for growth, moisture and healthy hair.

Here are some lovely pics to inspire you :-) 

Her hair is cute! Not my texture.. but still fly

Love the color in her hair

Now this is definitely not my texture. But still pretty! Actually this might be a weave.

Love these locks! Perfection.

My favorite pic! her hair is hot! Love it!


1)  Hair Rules
2)  Miss Jessies
3) Jane Carter
4) Kinky Curly

1 comment:

Shera said...

hey briana! I think im going to start a regimen as well. Although I have a sew-in right now... I still have bee keeping my hair (under the weave) moisturized... but we will see. Hopefully this sew-in will help me continue to frow my hair... anywho! stay lovely and say natural!