Friday, January 7, 2011

1st week of surgery. SURVIVED

Hi Friends.

Well as expected.. the posts were a little less abundant this week. For good reasons. I survived my first week of surgery. I must say I really enjoyed it. Its actually making me quite nervous how much fun I am having....  

Should I be a cardiologist.. or a surgeon?? That is the question.

And can I be fly and fabulous in scrubs?  ... i think i can rock them.

This week was eventful. Held a gallbladder. Felt some inner organs. I felt like I was on a television show. Responded to traumas. I must say.. do not believe the hype. I think surgeons are pretty cool. As long as you are not scared of them or scared of saying the wrong answer. you can't go wrong. confidence is the key.

I promise a more interesting post to come.

My younger bro has a great up and coming blog as well.


STAYING FLY AND 25  .... even in the green scrubs.


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