Friday, February 4, 2011

dating at 25 Update!!

Well apparently my dating posts are my most viewed. SOOO I decided to give an update.

At Atriza a few nights ago me and my internet dating partner and crime (We will call her dominique ) decided that the free website okcupid had run its course and we were ready to go big or go home.  Dominique wanted to join eharmony but I thought eharmony might as well be called.. Which is NOT where I am in life. Clearly...  Luckily I had another friend at dinner that joined Which is what I wanted to join!! Well finally Dominque was down!

We have been on for 2 weeks now. I must say my profile has been slow. No one interesting enough to respond to yet. AND! on my first day I was feeling bold and sent two messages and the guys did not respond! Can u believe that! lol. never again. HA. 

ALSO this week I went on my first date from online. Ladies.. it was a good time! Even if we never go out on a 2nd date I enjoyed the conversation and outing. I say there is nothing to lose. You can never have too many friends or random experiences.  BUT Unfortunately I was extremely extremely tired and come to find out I was coming down with a cold. So poor guy probably thinks I am an over worked.. tired soul. Which i probably am. LOL.    and did anybody know there is a krispy kreme on franklin street!



CreAmChEeSEandPumPerNIcKeL said...

Haha...first of all Bri, you cannot just message two people and quit. Did you only apply to 2 med schools? Ok, I know the med school comparison is a stretch but must continue to be bold and be persistent. Nothing worth having is ever totally free..sometimes you have to be the one to go the extra mile. Sending a message or a wink is not too much to ask, besides exactly what have you go to lose? Your confidence is steady...that's not going anywhere. Time..nope definitely dating is an excellent break from 3rd already paid for..soooo really you would be doing yourself (and these dudes) a disservice but not corresponding if you think they have even the least bit of potential! Step up your 25 year old game chica!! LOL, love ya xoxo

CreAmChEeSEandPumPerNIcKeL said...

oops a few typos..but you get the point!