Monday, February 7, 2011

Today I randomly came accross a new website. Vogue Black. I am curious to see what my friends think of this website. I have mixed feelings.. but still intrigued.

Recently Vogue Italia did a spread with all black models. Essence featured an article about it and featured a link to Vogue Black. I have never been a fan of vogue magazine which is probably because faces, shapes and shades like mine are few and far between. I have always read essence and in style. This new effort of vogue to reach out to black women is intriguing to me. Hopefully it will sustain itself.

Check it out.


Tavia said...

I can appreciate them trying to reach out and acknowledge that since they don't really have much diversity they need to do something. I would appreciate it if that "something" was to actually have some diversity in their magazine, not to make some offshoot to target a specific audience.

As far as the magazines that are on the market now that target a black audience, I have no problem in that they were created because there were not magazines that included African Americans, so there was an unmet need and they catered to that. However, this new Vogue Black is kind of reminiscent of Jim Crow. I don't understand why you can't just add more blacks to your magazine instead of believing that "separate but equal" (which never really is equal) would actually suffice.

Briana said...

tavia! Thats exactly how i feel. I was thinking that too. Why not put people of all different colors in the magazine and we wouldnt need vogue black. Right? I was wondering how to say it.