Friday, December 30, 2011

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Reading is SO good for the SOUL

Reading is SO good for the SOUL

As always I keep a long list of books that I am attempting to read... Wellllllllll!!! I finally read a few. Thanks to Christmas vacation :) Praise God! It was the break I needed. 

My honest thoughts on each of my recent reads :)

1) THE CONVERSATION by Hill Harper:
I was skeptical at first to read this. I did not want to read another relationship guide or how to get a man book. After hanging out with my friend Asherah and hearing her positive review I said why not!
I actually enjoyed reading this book by Hill Harper. He wrote this from a very genuine and honest place. I think he asks many of the same questions that I often have. He did not shy away from addressing relationships in black people. Which personally speaking.. I can appreciate. I do not pretend that the history of our country has not impacted issues of race. It has created deep issues that we often try to pretend do not exist. I not only read this book and enjoyed it but I also used it to create interesting and engaging conversation with my family. I do not take for granted that I am surrounded with marriages that are not only surviving but thriving. Grandparents 50+ years, parents 26 years, aunt and uncle 30+ years. This book encouraged me to ask questions and listen. When my day comes I hope I can use the wisdom of my loved ones to build a beautiful endearing relationship.

I give this book 4 stars! out of 5 :)  Quick read! Honest Writer! Entertaining content!

I am definitely a Common fan. I was interested in learning more about Common Sense and hearing what he has to say.  I will say this book started a little slow for me. It did improve. I think some of the trouble is the flow of the work. The chapters are interrupted by letters from his mother throughout the book which made the memoir a little choppy for me at times.
Once the story moved passed Common's childhood I was more engaged. I am overall really glad I read this work and as a fan feel more connected with Common. This book also encouraged me to bust out and dust off my old d'angelo CDs. That brother was goood. And who knew D'angelo produced most of erykah badu's first album! brown sugar baby... I get high of your .. :)

I give Common's book 3 out of 5 stars! A great read. Entertaining stories. If you love hip hop you will especially enjoy this read.

3) A BELLE IN BROOKLYN by Demetria L. Lucus:
I think this book is misleading. This is not really a relationship guide. The author does a great job of pulling together entertaining, interesting, and humbing stories from her days in nyc. She uses these stories to offer lighthearted but well needed advice. I was very glad that this book was not the typical steve harvey format. I am tired of step 1 meet a man.. step 2 give him your number... step 3 try and marry him.  This book made me laugh, almost made me cry and reminded me of adventures with my girls.
It was a wonderful quick, lighthearted read.

I give this book a very strong 4 out of 5 stars :) Great! Quick! Lighthearted!

Next up..

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
A Tree Lives in Brooklyn (a classic I've always wanted to read)
Cutting for Stone

Christmas 2011

Hey Friends :) I had a wonderful Christmas Holiday. I hope you all did too. My favorite theme of the holidays is enjoying the company and love of others. I could do without the gift giving..  (quality time is all I need).

My holiday highlights!!

- Brennen was home! Last year Brennen was away in Central America. We definitely missed him. His personality is hilarious and we love when he takes a few of his "busy" time to hang with his family.

- Movie Night with the fam :)  I asked my folks on the way: "If they could name one thing that has kept them married for 25 yrs.. What would it be?"  My dad quickly took the lead and told us how much he loves my mom and would not be able to live without her. He told us how much he enjoys her company and loves to be around her. It was a VERY endearing moment.  Reminded me to stay positive that I might find love like that one day.

-NO APPLEBEES FOR US!!  We finally got my parents out to a restaurant other than applebees or outback! We had to expand their horizon. Brennen and myself took the parentals to a great seafood spot in ATL called 6 feet under. It was great! I think mama B enjoyed it too!

- The doggies!!  Other than that one time I had to do the doggie heimlich maneuver... I enjoyed taking my parents pooches for walks and playing with them around the house.

Brennen and me at 6 feet under. We looked like tourist. O well!

Christmas dinner at my Great Aunt's house :)

My DAD! Best Dad Ever. Love u dad. 

Mom was fly Christmas day. We kept calling her the original ATL housewife -except she works ;) . Sheree doesn't have anything on Mama B. 

Me and my mom :) Love ya mom. 

Asherah and I at TWO URBAN LICKS (rec by Brennen)  thanks lil bro! 

FLY FABULOUS AND 25. And did I add both future Doctors  (MD AND PHD) 

Bosco aka spoiled

Sky :) Tired after we walked all over the neighborhood. We survived.. because apparently black people do not lock their dogs up. Free dogs everywhere. I had my stick though! 

1 Corinthians 13

The Greatest Gift
 1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned,[a] but have not love, it profits me nothing.
4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 
8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whetherthere is knowledge, it will vanish away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away. 
11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. 
13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 Review

Hey Friends :-) 

I am giving Jillian Michaels my endorsement. I wish I could get a cut of the dvds sold because of my opinion :) These dvds definitely tone your muscles. I used to be SUCH a skeptic of working out at home. A SERIOUS SKEPTIC. To me it just was not a work out if you did not leave the comforts of your home. I am definitely wrong. 

If you are short on time.. definitely grab a dvd and hit it! I do recommend adding a little additional cardio to the dvds when possible i.e. jogging, walking... ) But if you are looking for really good toning.. this is it.  

I am very excited about my new dvds. I will be in the medical intensive care unit in January at UNC. The hours can be long but I do not believe in sacrificing my health. These dvds will definitely get me through the month in decent shape and looking good. :)

BEST BUY $9.99 each

I definitely got this one. No secret what I'm working with... 

I am scared to try this one..

This dvd is pretty good!!!  I'm already on my summer 2012 plan. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Interview 15

Well its official. Interviewing for residency is the fastest way to gain weight. I'm feeling REAL chubby. It's not good. I should have said no to desserts from the beginning....

Now I need to shed the pounds. What am I doing about it??

-No desserts over the holiday. I can do it!!  My clothes must fit. Single and Chubby.. not good. Its already rough in these streets...
-work out dvd: I have been converted. Do to my lack of gym access while in atl with the parents I just purchased the Ripped in 30 DVD by Jillian Michael. I wanted insanity.. but I needed a cheaper option. :)

I almost died.. And its only 20 minutes :0

I say all this to say.. Get on it early ladies. No need to wait until Jan 1. And... if you will be a 4th year med student next year.. One phrase for you: "No desserts."   The dinners and lunches alone are enough to add 10 pounds.

10 dollars at target. Lets see what happens :)

Trying to STAY FLY and FOREVER 25 :)

Interview Trail.. Things to know.

Hey Friends,

As you all know I am on the interview trail for residency. There are a few things that I wish I had known. I am channeling my thoughts in this post for my fellow med students. 
** Side note.. these thoughts are purely my own opinion and apply to my experiences with internal medicine interviews.


- If you have an early #1 or #2 in mind I suggest not making this interview first or second. It takes two to really warm up. 
-Schedule your most important interviews in the middle of the interview trail.. not brand new and not burnt out yet. 
- Is the city exciting and fun? Then schedule your interview for a Friday and enjoy the city :)
-But DO NOT feel like you need to stay in every city for a few days to feel it out. I typically was in and out and that worked best for me. I prefer to be in my own element and rest before the next interview
- Interviews per week: Two interviews in a week always worked best for me. 3 was max. There is no way I could schedule 4 in a week.  


Who knew this was needed right?? I sure didn't..  For my first interview I was not well prepared which meant I had a tendency to ramble and not be direct. Prep included only checking out the website..
This is what I suggest:

1) Check out the website. Pay attention to the program values, unique curriculum aspects, fellowship match list.
2) Know the face and name of the various program leadership. (including chiefs)
3) Review common questions and brainstorm your responses (This was most helpful)
4) Email a resident from your medical school. This shows genuine interest and increased effort.
5) Review your personal statement and resume. 

Most Common questions I received
- Why this institution?
- Tell me about a memorable patient and what you learned?
- What are YOU looking for in a training program?
- What are your plans for the next 5-10 years? Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
- Tell me about your research?
- Give me an example of conflict during medical school, how you handled it and what you learned?
- What are your strengths and weaknesses

This Link was the most helpful. 

Outfits :-) 

It is important to be professional but you do not need to lose your personality. 

Lets talk suits. Invest in a good suit. I suggest at least 2. One might get dirty.. 

Color: Black, brown, grey, navy blue. All good options. EVERYONE wears black.. Do NOT be afraid to wear a different color. My tweed brown suit ALWAYS was a hit and received praises for not being black. It showed in a subtle way my confidence and personality. 

Stores I reccomend: Tjmaxx, Burlington coat factory, Loehmanns, Macys. All have GREAT suit options. 

SHOES! Comfort and style are the KEY! The tours are extensive. My favorite comfort brands are clarks and naturalizer. Not to toot my own horn.. But my shoes were a hit as well. 
- No wedges

Handbag: A small conservative handbag is best. This is not the place to go big. Bright bags are a no no. Stick to small black or brown.. depending on your suit/shoe color. Black goes with grey suits. I actually wore the same black bag even with my brown suit because it matched my black portfolio very well. 

Jewelry: Small and concise are best here as well. Chunky/ Big jewelry is distracting. I went with pearls and gold studs. I actually loved wearing my gold studs best with my brown suit because of the shades and the pearls with my black and grey suit. 

Jackets: A nice professional trench coat is a must for the trail. The programs always have somewhere for your jacket and scarves so do not hesitate to stay warm. 

This looks similar to my brown tweed suit. Classic.

I love this suit! I wish I had this one.

Nice skirt detail. FIT IS IMPORTANT!!

For those who want baby heels

Chunky heels offer more comfort

I opted for a strap to keep my foot in the shoe

I love these!

This post is long but I hope it helps someone have a smooth interview trail. 

Stay Fly and 25 :)

interview checklist:
-thank you cards
-good carry on luggage
-small purse
-multiple pairs of good stockings
-good jacket
-nice scarf and gloves
-fly suit
-nice casual outfit for interview dinners
-makeup/toiletry grab bag for easy packing/travel

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

R&B Music... Leaves much to be desired..

After reading an article titled Where is the love in R&B music?  recommended by a friend I begin to think about the current state of R&B music.

It definitely leaves much to be desired. Currently it is possible to listen to the radio for an hour and not hear any song that mentions LOVE. What you will hear.... are recurrent themes of one night stands, lust, and sex. Its no wonder our generation is struggling to stay married. What happened to the Ribbons In the Sky... The Sweet thangs...
This article brings up a good point. Maybe our music represents many of the current issues of our society. Single family homes and divorce are the norm.

Do you have a favorite R&B Love song that represents what R&B used to be???

Check out the CNN article and some of my favorite R&B Love Songs.

My favorites:

Chaka Kahn and Rufus :) Classic of classics

Stevie Wonder Ribbons in the Sky. I want this played at my wedding. 

This might be my absolute favorite. I swear.. If a man plays this for me...
Prince. Adore.

DeAngelo. LADY. Never gets old! 

New Jam by tyrese. Reminds me of early 90s R&B. Good effort. I life it. 

Maxwell Get To Know Ya. I LOVE THIS SONG. 

Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Styles and Curly Hair Care: 4 Protective Natural Hair Styles

Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Styles and Curly Hair Care: 4 Protective Natural Hair Styles: SimplYounique shows us 4, quick and easy protective styles that you can dress up or down--

TO my Ladies with natural hair! These styles in this quick video are great. I rocked one already.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Natural Hair Update

Well.... Just like any chic. I love my hair. I want healthy hair. Lately my strands have been struggling. My twist outs were coming out frizzy and puffy, my hair felt really dry and I was getting single strand knots throughout my hair.

I decided to get my hair professionally done for the first time in 2 years. I do not know WHY it took me so long. Actually I do.. Hairstylists are so expensive and often not very professional. Anyway.

Natural hair does not automatically mean healthy hair. I have been in need of an intervention. 

I went to a salon in Atlanta over thanksgiving.

drum roll... I got my hair straightened. I am not going to lie. It was tough. I was very scared my hair would not curl back up. I did not feel like myself... I remembered my old perm days when my self esteem was linked with my perm touch up schedule. I felt like a part of me was conforming to the American standard of beauty and I felt like I no longer stood out from everybody else with a perm. (Just keeping it real) The best part about straightening my hair was pinning my hair back.

Anywho... This was a good decision. I had at least 1-2 inches of split ends that needed trimmed. 

Although straightening my hair will not be a regular occurrence.. I was scared of sweat, water and humidity. I will be getting professional trims regularly from here on out. My hair FEELS SO GOOD! AND it curled back up. 


1) Mayonnaise!! A great conditioner. YES! I put mayo in my hair and kept it in for 35 minutes. Gross but afterwards my hair felt incredible. 

2) Olive Oil! A great daily moisturizer. Who knew natural oils were so great for natural hair. Since my recent trim/cut Olive Oil in my hair has really been great for my hair. 

3) TRIMS. every 6-8 weeks. I must get regular trims. I must DO BETTER!!! 

Steam treatment. ??

Verdict is still out on these steam treatments

I felt like the Jackson 5

My hair looks so dry.. I must do better.

Whew those ends look HORRIBLE!

Oh goodness..

Trying to decide if I liked it..

Real Men Don't Text.

Text messaging is for punks. Harsh language. Yes. Let me explain my justification.

Text messaging has allowed guys to hide behind technology and not take chances. What happened to pursuing a young lady and making your intentions clear. Now a days all we get is a text saying "whats up" #icant

I refuse to respond to these half way efforts of getting my attention. Is this the accepted norm? Is this the world we live in? Am I supposed to take you seriously if you text me whats up...

A few weeks ago I thought I was networking by giving my business card to a gentleman i met. He proceeds to initially send a nice text message saying how nice it was to meet me. Then it goes down from here. This grown man continues to text me ALL week. Mid week I respond and say I am pretty busy and cannot really text but if you would like to call me or speak in person I would be happy too. THIS FOOL continues to text me ALL week like he KNOWS me.

My rules for text messaging: 

1) If you are over 30. You should know how to pick up a phone and call someone. NO exceptions.

2) Back and forth conversations through text messages.. Not acceptable. I have better things to do then text back and forth.

3) Texts are cute for a quick hello. Settling last minute plans. Thinking of you texts...

4) BUT if you are trying to get to know someone. TEXTS ARE NOT THE WAY TO GO. 

Basically I think texts are for punks. MAN UP fellas. I don't want to talk to you all night on the phone.. My friends know I get a headache when I talk too much. But if you really want to get to know me.. YOu betta pick up a phone..

Example of random text messaging without a focus. check out the dates. All this texting with no phone call. The initial text started really nice and professional.. then went down hill from there. 
I'm in green. 

how was your day texts are for people that KNOW each other. This guy does not know me. 

did he really just text me the next day after i basically said please don't text me. 

I cant...

Monday, November 28, 2011

random stuff

Hey Friends :-)

I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving Holiday :)

I thought I would blog a few things on my mind. This is a random stream of thoughts. 

 Reed Between the Lines: Have you checked it out? 

It is really cute and reminds me of the days when wholesome sitcoms were a norm and not a rare occurrence.  Check it out! Nowadays new sitcoms are a scripted version of the real housewives of Atlanta (i.e. Tyler Perry's new show) 
 And Traci Ellis Ross has amazing style! I love her style. The natural hair! The glam! The curves! She seems so comfy in her skin. 
Definitely a fly and fabulous chic I can admire. 

Oh! Jamal looks pretty good these days too. No more theo! no no no. Grown man swag.


Found a few good sites to check out. 
Very cute and trendy handbags. Check out this cute clutch and grey bag. 

I love this bag. Definitely may buy this soon. 

And who knew that Avon sold cute jewelry?? I didn't. 
I should really start wearing rings. 
I need to find that ring I lost at UNC homecoming :0   They have very pretty and unique things.


Do you need a little light reading? I am currently enjoying a good book that was recommended by my friend Shalonda. 

A Belle In Brooklyn. This is definitely for the ladies :0 

The author Demetria Lucus is actually a contributor in essence so I have been reading her work for a while and always enjoy her thoughts on the life of a single black female :)  Check out her blog and book. Great Holiday Read. If you're single.. grab it. Good laughs. Do not let the single holiday blues get you!! 

Well this concludes my thoughts for today. 
I have more interviews this week and will be traveling a lot this month. I will definitely keep everyone in the loop via my blog! 


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Styles and Curly Hair Care: Unavoidable Damage and Length Retention

Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Styles and Curly Hair Care: Unavoidable Damage and Length Retention: More Hair, More Problems Nicole Hollis of Hair Liberty When you're enthusiastic about hair care and dedicated to a healthy hair journey...

Hey Friends!!
My hair is not in a good place. Unfortunately. I think this article is just what I needed to hear. I have been experiencing a lot of breakage and my hair actually feels shorter than it was a year ago. Are you natural and having trouble with your hair???

Feel free to vent in the comments!

I'm going to a professional Wednesday. Its time to start my natural hair journey over.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

wine and baking

My new baking basics cookbook. Really explains the basics :)
As many of you all know... I am off from school until January 3rd! Yeahhhh boy!!!! :)  I haven't had a month off since the summer after 1st year. My life has been a full court press since the 2nd year of medical school started.  I'm excited to rest, explore a few programs and enjoy some free time.

WELL!!! What have I been up to in my free time?? I decided to hit the kitchen. Until yesterday I had NEVER baked anything alone from scratch. I usually stay out the kitchen. I hated the kitchen growing up... but slowly I have realized that baking can be relaxing, creative, a way of showing your love... and according to BFF Amanda.. helps us get ready for that future wifey status ;) 

Its amazing how life changes as you mature. Its all about being 25 and exploring new things :) 

It felt really good to bake. I had my music on. Sipped a little wine :)  I was also baking for others. I had two people in mind that have been kind to me and I wanted to let them know I appreciate their kindness. 


*google black bottom cupcakes and tons of recipes will come up!

My first cupcake from scratch :)

they look so pretty

swirling the creme cheese was my favorite part
This book was less then 10 dollars and really helped me out! 


And who knew my BFF Amanda was already a baking queen! Post of a recipe of hers coming soon! ;)



My first time using a hand mixer since maybe age 12...

My cream cheese blended with my new mixer skills ;)

My new stuff. I had to buy a bowl and hand mixer! 

Learned in my book the importance of accurate measuring of materials. I was focused.