Thursday, December 29, 2011

Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 Review

Hey Friends :-) 

I am giving Jillian Michaels my endorsement. I wish I could get a cut of the dvds sold because of my opinion :) These dvds definitely tone your muscles. I used to be SUCH a skeptic of working out at home. A SERIOUS SKEPTIC. To me it just was not a work out if you did not leave the comforts of your home. I am definitely wrong. 

If you are short on time.. definitely grab a dvd and hit it! I do recommend adding a little additional cardio to the dvds when possible i.e. jogging, walking... ) But if you are looking for really good toning.. this is it.  

I am very excited about my new dvds. I will be in the medical intensive care unit in January at UNC. The hours can be long but I do not believe in sacrificing my health. These dvds will definitely get me through the month in decent shape and looking good. :)

BEST BUY $9.99 each

I definitely got this one. No secret what I'm working with... 

I am scared to try this one..

This dvd is pretty good!!!  I'm already on my summer 2012 plan. 

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