Monday, July 8, 2013

Summertime Fun

I love summer. If I haven't said this already in my last ten posts :)

July 4th is another summer holiday that I LOVE. sooo no I wasnt at work!! i wasn't in new orleans at the essence fest like originally planned.. But I had a much needed SUPER FUN weekend!!

My fourth of July weekend was surprisingly filled with sooo many old friends, hilarious stories, glorious exchanges of horrible dating stories and laughs for days.

I had to of course share my wackest dating stories of the year....... highlights being the tea and futon story. Summary.. If you're older than 30, lived in your place for at least 3 years.... and actually talk about how nice your place is..... you may want to reconsider the futon, posters on the wall and lack of glassware. :)

I digress.....

I will say I wish someone could have recorded the brunch I had with a few of my lovely friends. This was a conversation that could not have been scripted it was so good. it was filled with a few "amens"... "where you meet him at?", "I blocked him on ALL social media websites" and whatever else we could come up with.

Reoccurring conversations/ themes of the weekend:  of course the state of dating in america.. work/life balance and how i should change my blog title to "the year of the 25.. actually pushing on 30" :0
And even when I thought my weekend was wrapped up I was hilariously schooled on how black women always want the Raheems and not the Ellingtons.. smh.  Yes ladies.. Apparently we always want the dude with no job, lives with his mama but has swag. And the less confident, never heard of swag brotha with a degree is getting passed up and scooped up by others..  Of course I offered a counter argument. The few Ellingtons that we meet have either lost their minds or we just don't meet the Ellingtons at all.

Overall... I had a wonderful weekend. My spirit was rejuvenated by the energy that I felt from my friends, I was encouraged by the hopefulness of all the beautiful black queens as dwade calls gabby that I luckily call my friends!! I was encouraged by the fact that God always provides friends that are at a similar place in the journey of life.

A few posts coming to a blog near you :)

Everything I DO NOT need to see on instagram, facebook, twitter...
My MLK reflection... You know occasionally I have to get serious.
Updates on the get right plan :)

Marvin s in DC

Look who we found! Portia!

Candice laughing out loud. Literally
I think this is when Portia said something hilarious..

Fourth of July cookout with my co workers/philly fam! # funtimes!!! 

after atleast 4 miles in the sun. #lincoln memorial. thank God he freed the slaves! 

MLK monument. Most folks know my fav MLK speech.  (A tough mind and a tender heart ) google it.


wheeewww its real out here... 

no he didnt... whewwww Lord.

Portia: I just hope to educate these girls on facebook.. they need help. 

Philly crew! the humidity was real :) we are shiny!

Renae!!! so proud of her! 

definitely had a blast with my LS, and we are still glistening.. that humidity.. :) 

Theme song of the weekend :)

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