Thursday, July 25, 2013

quick pizza

Today I must admit that I was feeling a little worn out and in need of some comfort. I was also having the urge to find someone to go out to eat with. I decided after laying across my bed for a while... go run and then buy some food to cook. I have to ration my calories appropriately. I wanted to save them for the weekend ;) While running home I decided to make a quick pizza and get some ingredients from Trader's Joe's.  
This quick little recipe never lets me down. Grab a pizza crust, brush crust with a little olive oil. Put on top whatever you like. I went with fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, green peppers, olives, basil. Once it cooks drizzle with a little balsamic vinaigrette, salt and pepper. Done. 


Day 1 with no facebook update. I typed in facebook 3 times on accident before realizing I deactivated. Cray cray. Still deciding whether I am giving up instagram.. I feel like I might as well do it all the way.. Go hard or go home.. 

Now about this cake my roomie made. Whew. It may deserve its own post its so good. 

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