Thursday, July 25, 2013

Could you give up facebook? Forever?

Well folks. As always. I have to pose an occasional question.

Could you give up Facebook forever?  What about ALL social media? No twitter, no instagram flexing, no facebook, no pinterest. Nothing. 

What would your life be like?? Would it be better.. ? In what ways? Or maybe you would just have more time to actually enjoy life instead of watching the lives and updates of others. This is a serious question... because people are making careers out of being "personal social media management personnel.."  hey... whatever gets you your gucci bag.. I'm not hating. 

So why am I asking these questions. 

First of all... I KNOW that I am distracted by Facebook. I check it ALL the darn time. when I wake up in the morning, before I go to bed, during the day, I don't think there is a day that goes by where I don't check Facebook.  If I had all those minutes back and put it into something meaningful.... maybe I could have baked a few more cakes, read a few more books and exercised more. I don't even open my Bible as much as I check Facebook. 

Second.... I've always found that Facebook can cause me to compare myself to others in a not so healthy way. I feel like we often want to portray these perfect, happy, spontaneous lives on Facebook.  But is this really the case?  Often I find myself reading depressing posts. After reading I feel equally depressed and could do without the anxiety of someone else's situation.. probably a stranger really... being cast onto me. 

Third. And the fact of the matter is.. I'm praying for big things for myself. And something has to go to make room for these blessings. Facebook is just the first of many. It's time for me to go get some of these things. I need ALL of my minutes. 2 minutes here, 10 minutes here, 5 minutes there. I also need my spirit to be strong. Resilient. Clear.  I'd also rather use this extra time to be out in philly. living my life in reality. 

So then there is the question.. How will people keep up with you? If you need me you will find me.

This is just temporary. My plan is one year. No Facebook.  Still debating about instagram. I do enjoy seeing people's pictures without significant commentary...  Although I will say the occasional.. .boo text message convo pic and I love my this and that and here i am exercising for the 10th time this week.... gets a little "chante's got a man" braggadocios for me.  But what can you do. This is our culture. If know one else knows you have it.. Then you might as well not have it. Men included. SMH. 

SOOOO SAVE MY BLOG ADDRESS. IF you enjoy to keep up with my Philadelphia adventures. Because... tomorrow. I'm signing off. For good. I'm so done.. and need a break. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Briana - I've thought about this so many times myself. A cousin of mine actually did the same thing because she found out how much of a distraction it was and found such fulfillment in other things when she decided not to be on FB anymore. If it weren't for using it for my job, I would probably do the same thing. I know I'm guilty of being on FB more than reading my Bible and tell myself everyday that I need to do better. Enjoy the freedom and peace of mind you're about to have :)

PS, I love the photo at the top of your blog! If only we all committed to doing this, what a world this would be.