Thursday, July 11, 2013

Enjoying Life

i was focused. 
Ohhh goooodnnessss What A WEEK. 

To start things off. I still love summertime :) I'm also starting to love philly. Just a little bit ;) 

I am starting to wonder if my life motto "Work Hard Play Hard" has been a little too much play and not enough work lately... I really do wish I could just travel the world, work part time, have all of my med school debt magically paid off and know everything in medicine all in the same moment. 

Highlight of the WeeK: The barnes museum with quest love. Yep. You heard me. Thanks to a new friend I was able to dance the night away.. A Wednesday night I might add, in the Barnes museum with quest love. 
Thanks to Heineken beer. 

One of my oldest and dearest friends also showed up in Philadelphia ready to have a good time. 

I will say at work today I struggled because of my mid week outing. I really do need my rest :0 The constant battle to be balanced, excel at work, be respected in the work place, enjoy the best things in life, enjoy friends, stay fit, stay grounded, meet people and be THANKFUL for life is always a daily struggle. Medicine always leaves me feeling guilty when I do what regular people do.. smh. I do realize that this summertime pace I'm keeping up... can't last forever.. But for a few more weeks... I'll enjoy it while i can ;0  Eventually I have to buckle down. Get my life together. Maybe do some research... Although I really just want to be a cardiologist in the hood somewhere with my people. Fighting obesity and heart disease one grandma or uncle ray at a time :)  this is to be continued....

For now. 

Rest. Night yall! 

roof top. top of the tower

Decatur's finest. with the homies :)

My philly homie! Ryan! Sad she is going to nyc but beaming with pride! that MBA program better watch out :0 

Kianta Key.. what can we say. 

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