Friday, July 19, 2013

She get it from her mama ;)

Yeah my mom is fly 
Well folks Mama B was in the building.

If you missed her... You missed out. Yes my mother always tries to drive me a little bit crazy.. But goodness do I love her.

As most of my friends know my mother is funny and full of quotes. Memorable moments from the past weekend... "You got to use your qualities hun." "You can't take your girls everywhere."  :0
Mama B is definitely on team get briana scooped up. When we went shopping... If it wasn't flattering.. It was not going into the cart. And of course folks know my mom is fly too. She plays no games.
Apparently these were the pants my dad was scooped in. 

The thing I admire most about my mother is how loving she is. She came to my apt.. and got to work. She cooked, cleaned, organized and just made things better. Drove 12 hours to bring my car and STILL did things around my apartment. I was too tired to even clean appropriately before she came. SMH.
I hope one day I can be just a little bit as nurturing and loving as my mother is.

I took mama b to the brooklyn flea

enjoying the flea

enjoying the flea

my mom is hilarious. operation get briana scooped :)

I wish my mom still had this outfit. I would kill it. 

I was looking at this at the flea. talking to the lady who made it. My mother comes up and says.. "You can get your dad to make that." Can't take folks anywhere.. lol. 

JAM OF THE WEEKEND  .. feeling old school :)

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I Love your mom! Lol at the quotes and "your dad can make that"!