Sunday, April 7, 2013

Swirling Inner Thoughts

What's on my mind this week...

What a week. I'm not sure where my day off went. It's time to hear about new patients and give report on olds. Another week down another to go.

Life is once again moving fast but the thoughts of a young 26 year old woman still swirl around in my head.

Today I went to church and I thought about.. What if I were having a conversation with God.. about this very moment in my life. I imagine it would go a little something like this....

God I'm kinda tired. Life is moving soo fast. I hope you've noticed I've been a little nicer at work. Less attitude.. more patience and thank you's.

Yes Briana I am proud of you for being patient. I am with you in every moment. Remember how we talked about loving thy neighbor. Keep that at the core of your spirit.  But I sense your spirit feels heavy.

I carry the weight and emotions of many of my patients home with me or my heart is hard and I don't feel anything at all or I'm angry that I carry their emotions and no one carries my own. And then when I look around to share these thoughts I have no companionship.

Child, I'm here. Share your thoughts with me. Come closer. I will carry your burdens. You are worthy of my love. The things you hope for are all possible through me. Patience is not just moment to moment patience.. but day to day.. year to year...

I hope to make you proud.

I am your father in your darkest, worst and best moments. Never leaving you.

Alright. cool. Cause I know I've had a few ratchet moments recently. But I'm trying to move from ratchet to righteous. lol. Seriously though. step by step. thank you Lord for loving me despite of myself.

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