Sunday, April 14, 2013

SpringTime In Philly

Sunday Check In. What Up What Up. 

Well Folks It's Officially Spring Time In Philly. 

Everyone is out. The Schuylkill River is as scandalous as ever..make out sessions, pot smoking kids, unfortunate spring running outfits.  I'm still severely overworked but so so happy it's spring. The cute kids on tricycles and playing in the flowers always make things brighter. 

What's on my mind this week ?!? 

margarita time :)
It was definitely a tough week. I'm happy I made it through. Saturday I was extremely giddy at work that I had Sunday off. There was not a thing that could bother me. Oh Mr. S wants to leave against medical advice.... fine.

Of course my girl Janelle was down for a late night hang out session on Saturday. What were the topics of discussion?!?! The usual. Which patient acted a fool this week. Another week of dating shenanigans. Why people post every single aspect of their life on social media. "I ate a carrot today and bought a pack of gum and i ran 10 times this week!!" Yeah.. we're probably bitter cause we are always at work.. But still. :)
And the really pertinent topic this week. The really horrible text message conversations... that amount to NOTHING. 

Is it just me?? Quote of the night.. "Brotha. Don't blow up my phone with nothingness. I'm busy. "

Real Life Example. Some folks could not be put on blast quite yet. stay tuned....

 And of course at the bar we were asked the same o same o questions by some 30 something brothas. Would you ladies date down? Whatever that means...    After I kindly told these gentlemen that the men that work transport and in the cafeteria at work are often the boldest brothers and most direct...  they still went and fumbled the "let me get your number process."
So this dude hands me a business card. I say.. oh ok.. Is this your cell number on here? He says no.. I say ok is your email on here? He says no... I say...  hmm ok.. I'm already done. I then say sooo is this your work number???? (Really !?) He's not even from philly and appears to be confused by my questions.  This brother says.. yeah that's my work number. 

Is that what we do now?? Call men at work. No. 

And another brother fumbles...   


Another week another dollar. 

Peaceful moment. Reading on my phone.

Decided to read about cirrhosis on the museum steps :) yes. I still read.  MDhustleisreal

The flowers are blooming. Kids are out. Couples are holding hands. #springtime

#foodandliquour. It was that kinda week...


Have a great week folks.  :)

That which has been is what will be.
That which is done is what will be done,
And there is nothing new under the sun. 
Is there anything of which it may be said,
"See this is new?"
It has already been in ancient times before us. 
Ecclesiastes 1: 9-10

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