Friday, December 24, 2010

spiral curls for the young and fly

I thought I would make a quick post about my Holiday Hair. Stayed up late last night to get my Christmas Eve look together :-)

I am trying new things all the time with my hair. I have been natural for a little over a year now and I am going to try some new things over the Holidays. Wish me luck. This stuff is kinky and tight! I love my hair though :-)

Here are a few pics of my flexi rod set. I washed my hair with some random shampoo and conditioner. I used Miss Jessie's Curly Pudding to set my hair with some flexi rods. Sat under the dryer forever...I think next time I might try perm rods. I think it came out cute :-)   Let me know what u think!

My hair shrinks a lot when it is wet. Tight to my head!!

I scared my mom in her sleep when I asked for the hooded dryer...


If you have any hair ideas for Christmas.. Let me know! Add it to my comments!!!

Merry Christmas!!!!!


Amanda said...

Aaaw cute! You really make me want to go natural again, and be more experimental this time around...maybe Spring 2012 when I have more time to try new stuff...You also make me want to start a blog. Can I be a guest columnist on yours? :)

Briana said...

Amanda! Of course!! you can definitely be a guest columnist :-) I was looking back at your hair in my profile pics on facebook. Your hair was big!! Full of volume. I understand feeling a little overwhelmed. Let me know when u are ready to post! I got you!