Thursday, December 23, 2010

dating at 25??

The day in the life of an almost 25 year old woman..

Yesterday I woke up for an innocent day of shopping with my mother.. to later find myself approached by a bold gentleman in best buy. Mr. Best Buy dramatically stops what he is doing as i walk by.. he later boldly approaches me saying,
BB: "When are u going to let me take you out."
me:  Laughing at him
BB: seriously.. u're beautiful. How old are u?
me: 25 (fudging the age by 6 months.. lol)
BB: What is the oldest guy u have dated
me: 28... (again a minor fudge)
BB: Line of the day.. " Oh baby u need to stop dating boys and start dating men!"
me: in my head. THIS MAN IS BOLD. who is he. lol.
me: I say well i dont know u.. What do u do for a living?
BB: U know thats an ATL gold digger question.
me: excuse me. I'm going to be a doctor. no reason to dig for gold.

So later on this man goes on to tell me over the phone how he is so surprised I have not dated an older man. I mean whats the hype i say. I  AM 25. He goes on and on about how he is ready for a woman in his life. Did i mention he was 35! poor guy. He just knew i was the one. lol. Well... Long story short.. he talked a good game. wanted me and my friend to meet him and his friends on the other side of town for drinks. Later when his friends ditched him alledgedly and we suggested coming to our side of town... his game fell apart. We were too far away. LOL. The MAN quickly reverted to the little boy ways he soooo adamantly told me i have been dealing with. then told me i was acting like a 25 year old! LOL. which i am! thanks!

So ladies... Question of the day.
How old is too old?
And does age equal maturity??
in this situation it didnt
And why was this man so frequently reminding me he was a MAN...
overcompensating by chance??
And whats up with these men asking for pictures through text messages?? WEIRD.

Who knows... till the next story.

STAY FLY and 25!



CreAmChEeSEandPumPerNIcKeL said...

Aaliyah said it best...age ain't nothin but a number! LOL children come in all sizes and shapes!

Tavia said...

Hmmm, how old is too old? Well, I was told that if you take your age divided by 2 plus seven, that is the youngest age minus seven times two, for a 25 year old would be 36. I have friends my age who have dated men that old, I personally feel that for ME 30 gets me uncomfortable, but it really is more personal.
Age =/= (sorry, best I could do for the not equal sign) maturity. I have met 23 and 24 year old men who I feel are much more mature than other 28 to 30 year old men. I have decided that I am now (for the first time EVER) open to the idea of dating younger men.
Text pictures...just got a text asking for one of those less than an hour ago. Even worse, what is up with males trying to court through text. I can claim to be a new-age woman all I want, but I mean independent. I still prefer old fashioned courtship the same way my momma and grandmomma did!

Briana said...

I love the comments ladies!! Keep them coming :-)

Amanda said...

Aww Bri, I'm so proud you even game him your number after he came at you with a "when are you going to let me take you out?" I don't know if I would have done the same...that may have been the first sign he wasn't THE MAN he was trying to make himself out to be...real men don't come at you with a line like that. But that's just my opinion...Love your blog thus far, it's a good study break. :)
And age is definitely just a number...
I agree, The picture thing is really weird!