Monday, December 27, 2010

internet dating... whats the verdict?? part 1

Hi friends! Yes I am here to talk about internet dating.

This is a long time coming...  I have met quite a few people who have met nice gentleman on a classmate, my roommate in gboro last month.. the list goes on. A month ago I had this grand idea that me and my Bible study crew minus the married and almost married would join in the spring when we were all in Charlotte for our rotations.

Well I had an eager member of the crew that couldn't hold out. We decided after our internal medicine shelf last week to join ok because its free.  At first my pride was saying.. "you are too fly for this" and "no worries.. you'll meet him by chance"  But after 6 months without a date or even a flirtatious hello I decided to take matters into my own hands. A few dates could be fun :-)

Ladies if you can get through the pics of guys in wife beaters, half naked, and just straight up looking STUPID...
AND get past the ones with CRAZY screen names like...  eyeamhot, rockureworld and yourloverman
AND get past the ones who send u messages like... "YO"   .........  
AND get past computer love. yep for my unc girls! got a message from him too.

I think there might be a few hopefuls out there. and Christian brothers too!

So far I must say it has been kinda fun.. The good and the bad. The unexpected message with a nice compliment and the the silly ones that make u laugh out loud while in the grocery store. One friend has a date planned and my internet dating game like my real game is a work in progress. lol. no dates yet.

January 1 we are going to step it up and join eharmony. Let me know if you're with us!

BE BOLD or stay at home alone ;-0


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