Friday, May 31, 2013

Whats New In Philly

Well Folks the weather is warming up and I'm too exhausted to even tell you about it. Its 830 on a Friday and I am about to go to sleep. The great news is I have 2.5 more weeks of being intern. Started from the bottom now i'm done.  Thursday I was sooo done mentally that me and my roomie had to indulge. 2 drinks, food and dessert. #no shame  We enjoyed twenty manning grill's outside seating :) Thankful for the roomie. 

More interesting posts coming soon when I am not so sleep deprived. I starting reading the happiness project courtesy of one of my new philly peeps :0  More reflection coming to a blog post near you. 


twenty manning. rittenhouse. intern year will do this... 

My partner in crime
the roomie and I hanging out.. outside of 215. 

no words. #nightswithemo


imma have to eat salad next week.. #no regrets, 

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