Sunday, May 19, 2013

Birthday fun? I think I will.

Well folks. Your girl turned 27. Its hard to believe.

I initially was feeling some sort of way about 27. Not sure why... actually i know why ha. Realizing the painting of life is not always how you envision it... but that doesn't mean the painting is any less of a masterpiece. After some inner pep talk and wisdom from a few girlfriends I got myself together and realized what I am thankful for. Thankful for new adventures in a new city. Thankful for a job... even though this job takes all of my strength. Thankful for a wonderful family, healthy parents and a motivated younger brother.
Especially thankful for the simple things... warm crisp spring air, laughter, the possibility of love one day and that the city of Philadelphia has come alive with the new season of spring.

What will 27 bring? that is always the question. 25 brought the long awaited MD status and travel. 26 brought a new city, friends and a job. 27 will hopefully bring direction, renewed focus, quiet confidence and joy.

shout out to the good people that celebrated my birthday with me. :)  Thursday started with the amazing night market in fairmont. 3 blocks were shut down for food trucks, live music and fun. Friday included two presentations.. quick appearance at the co worker bbq and debauchery with my "urban" crew :)

cab shot. #phillypartnerincrime #alwaysdownforthecause

these two! attempted to school me on dating.. I might be a lost cause lol.

My new adopted younger brother.

#fly #donthurtem

RYAN!!!!!  "What you wearing? #ryanday"

She has really looked out for me. bout to be on that couch in nyc. let the man know. thanks. 

operation black excellence... 

wine and plastic cups.. no bottle opener


not that wine on the trash can. #bougieratchet



My love Emerson! #goodfriends are priceless

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