Sunday, May 5, 2013

Black Girls Run :) Yes we do.

BGR was SO deep. 
Its been a while since I've checked in.

This week was a tough one. The theme was "just gotta make it." Highlights of the week included:  repeatedly going to work with one ashy foot....and enjoying a wonderful restaurant in philly on friday.....  And to wrap it all up after working 7 days in a row I was signed up for the broad street ten miler... and again the theme was just gotta make it. I was so worn out this week that I exercised once. This involved barely a 3 mile run. The second attempt to work out was such a fail that I started running and had to stop and walk.

Folks who know me... Know.. I enjoy to run. So yes I was worn out.
Keeping myself entertained before the race

The good news is. I made it! I survived. 7 day stretch. Done. Ten miles. Done. Achilles tendon.. is probably done too.

The best part of the broad street run was seeing all of the fabulous black women in their lovely black girls run t shirts. Every mile there was a group of BGR supporters. As you can see by the photo. I felt like a celebrity.
I will admit miles 7-10 were tough. Many people run these races for bragging rights but I enjoy the entire experience. Making new friends, the sounds of the race, kids on the sidelines with signs for their moms, the 7 men along the fence all letting it go at mile 2!!, the bands on the sideline, seeing the mayor of Philadelphia at the finish line.... i really do not understand why people run with headphones. The sounds of the race are half of the experience. Looking forward to finding some running mates soon.... some of my best times in Chapel Hill were running with friends and discussing life as we jog. Until then I will keep trudging along creating experiences on my own :)

Just trying to make it :)

Briana "and they love me" Buckner ;)
And may is my FAVORITE MONTH of the year, yep its my bday month. The year of the 27 maybe??

Living life.. One race, one step, one hill at a time. 

Friday night with my girl preethi. We went straight from work to Audrey Clair. Awesomeness

Friday with Preethi! eating outside. This is the best part of philly and living in a city. Walk outside to bliss.  

The new friends I met at the race!

Temple band giving us some motivation

sooo many people. city hall was in sight!

Jams of the day.  A little old school and new school for your listening pleasures.

Still listening to kid cudi extremely too hard.

It is Sunday! :)  Throw back. EVERYTIME I hear this i remember singing it outside of the library with chelsea and sophia waiting for the bus while we were studying for step 1. No shame.


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