Sunday, May 12, 2013

New Beginnings

Beaming with pride. 
Well folks. Its the end of an era. My urban tribe is officially done with paying tuition. The final Doctor has made her way through. This weekend we celebrated the wonderful graduation of my friend Amanda.

Amanda has always been determined and we never doubted for a MOMENT she would not become a dentist. We have soooo many memories I could write a book. Like when I was on my rotation lonely in Greensboro and Amanda would visit me when she came back from Charlotte. Or when I broke up with my boyfriend and she came over and let me cry.. or our cheesecake and wine Fridays during professional school and who can forget last year when I was trying to move and my moving truck decided to randomly show up while I was in Atlanta  Who was there to open my apartment.. Amanda.

But as I reminisce... I also must look forward. I realized this weekend that life is moving forward whether you want it to or not. I realized that one of the main reasons I love north carolina so much were the friendships I formed there and the people I love are there and honestly I realized I didn't want them to leave although I had.  Well... not anymore... They too must follow their dreams and see the rest of the world. The urban tribe must eventually disband and make lives of our own, families of our own and develop new friendships.

I've spent the last decade of my life making memories with these girls and rest assured this is not the end of these memories. As we grow and change we will still have those memories to look back on with joy and laughter. Sooo though this weekend was bittersweet.. it was more sweet then bitter and it was only the selfish nature of my love language.. "quality time"... that left me a little sad at times as though I were losing a friend. But thank goodness for facetime and skype my girls are only one phone call, girls trip, instagram pic away.

I love my friends. I'm often the sentimental one. Mushy. But not a tearful chic :)

Happy mothers day to our mothers. They made us the women we are. Leaders in business, medicine. pharmacy, dentistry and whatever else we decide to conquer. Love you girls.

new favorite photo

looking fly in that mint green

Dr. Amanda Tinesha!

The Davis Crew


Oh. And did I mention. Somehow these girls make me want to work harder. Be Better. Love harder. Pray more. Be great.

Have a great week folks. Gotta get on my grind. The crew doesn't mess around.

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