Sunday, September 9, 2012

I'm still alive :) and the blog is bAcK!!!

the art museum steps on Benjamin Franklin pkwy
Well folks.. It's been more than 3 months since my last post. Relocating to Philadelphia was challenging to say the least. I was ripped off by my moving company, thrown into the intensive care unit on day one of intern year and realized how much I missed the comforts of north carolina and atl too :)

But guess what... I'm still alive and strong. I am sitting at the corner coffee shop, enjoying the newly coming fall breeze, people watching and enjoying the sounds of Frankie Beverly and Maze.

I recently came off two weeks of vacation which have been heaven sent. I literally have not stopped moving since graduation and sometimes you need a moment of stillness to reflect.

I am inviting you all to travel the streets of Philadelphia with me as I begin blogging once again about my new life as a doctor, my journey into real adulthood, learning more about my finances :0, smarter shopping :0 :0, of course dating..., spiritual journeys and the simple pleasures of Philly.

Here are a few pics from my adventures so far...

First day of intern year :) who doesn't take a pic to send to their mom.. 

Labor Day in the A :) two seconds b4 this pic.. shaq walked by.... 

Most expensive pic of the weekend. Ladies.. why didn't this man give us 3 prints?? i guess everyone has a hustle..  

Phillies game w/ my co interns :) It was the MOST relaxing thing ever. 

Philly at night. Very peaceful.

The city of art and murals. Love it. 

Making the most of each moment.. And living with a little less anxiety than the day before :)

Throwback jam for your listening pleasures.  Have a great week :)

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