Monday, May 7, 2012

Last Week on the Hill.. Reflection

Wheeewwww am I tired. Packing is not for the faint of heart. At midnight I finally stopped to realize I need to pack. I have to go. G O. I have sooooo much junk. How do you become a hoarder? Am I  one.. ?

Anyway.. where am I going with this.  Apart of getting ready for a move is going through old things, reflecting and moving towards the future. I came across a card that a patient sent me in the mail. My greatest fear in medicine is loosing my compassion. I'm realizing though.. that I have no reason to fear. It's not going anywhere. I'm going to keep this card with me always.. it reminds me of what I'm here to do and my inner strength. I'm taking this message of encouragement with me to philly :)

"The Oak Tree"  A message of encouragement

A mighty wind blew last night and day. 
It stole the oak tree's leaves away, 
Then snapped its boughs and pulled its bark
Until the oak was tired and stark
But still the oak tree held its ground
While other trees fell all around. 

The weary wind gave up and spoke,
"How can you still be standing, Oak?"
The oak tree said, "I know that you 
Can break each branch of mine in two,
Carry every leaf away, 
Shake my limbs and make me sway.
But I have roots stretched in the earth, 
Growing stronger since my birth.
You'll never touch them, for you see, 
They are the deepest part of me. 
Until today, I wasn't sure
Of just how much I could endure. 
But now I've found, with thanks to you,
I'm stronger than I ever knew. 

Especially now, try to remember that you're stronger than any problem you encounter or any disappointment life will bring. 

courtesy of Hallmark :)

I will likely never see this sweet woman again.. but I know her prayers are with me and her message of strength will last forever in my life.

I think I might be renaming the blog....

The Year of the MD??....  that's what my year will be about anyway... Kanye shrug :)

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