Saturday, May 5, 2012

In my mind I'm going to Carolina...

Yes, I'm going to Carolina in my mind..

My time in Chapel Hill is coming to an end. This is definitely bitter sweet. I have lived in Chapel Hill, NC for 8 yrs. A significant chunk of my life. Surprisingly there are SOO many things I have yet to explore. Like any person who has been engulfed by school.. I am wishing I had taken a few more moments to enjoy more restaurants, smell a few more flowers, and explore more of the hidden treasures of good ol Chapel Hill.

It is never too late as they say... Today I took a run on the quiet Battle Creek Trail. Last year a friend told me that trail running is very peaceful and offers a level of solitude that is priceless. I would also add challenging. I was ready.. I put on my bug spray and was off. It was great. I do have the habit of dragging my feet when I get tired which became a little troublesome with the tree trunks. I almost hit the deck a few times. The scenery was refreshing. There were bridges, creeks, birds, small hills and plenty of greenery. I thoroughly enjoyed the trail and only hope I can find some peaceful trails in Philadelphia somewhere...  Idk. Oh well. Until then.. I will savor it.

Coker Arboretum at UNC CH
After my run on the trail today I decided to walk around the UNC campus. Just giving myself a little closure. Taking a few moments to take it ALL in. It REALLY is a beautiful campus and I'm so glad I was able to enjoy it for almost a decade.  Here are a few pics from the lovely campus that I LOVE!! AND will miss dearly.

the old well

south building

me at coker arboretum

running the trail.. :)

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