Wednesday, September 12, 2012

ALL u can do is LAUGH.

Well folks I have gone soft...

Many folks know me from my Keyshia Cole days. I would cut a brotha off in a second. Oh he is acting up??  Bam Pow and Done.

I think I need to get back to that.. I'm too nice. playing keyshia cole album #1 riiggghhht now.

So here is the story...

THIS guy cancelled on me 3 times!! Asked to take me out and cancelled 3 times.. SMH.  The first time he suggests on the Monday of that week that we hang out Friday.. and then calls me Wednesday of that week and never mentions it. Then when I ask on Sunday what happened. he says.. oh yeah we never got a chance to talk about it. hmmm..... (My red flag should have gone off then..) SMH...   here is flakiness example #2 and #3.. same guy.

texting for a date is pitiful anyway.. what has our generation come too.

i wonder if i would've heard from him without my hey text...

This was our last and final communication. Text sent at 2pm.. on the day of the 3rd scheduled date. he has the nerve to say he will call later.. smh. PLEASE DON'T!!!  


Candice said...

Giirrllll...I'm so glad you're blogging again! Now you already know my response to this dude: BYE! after that lame first rescheduling!

- Candice

Ashley said...

I must admit that I too am saddened by they way ppl text everything now. What ever happened to "true" communication. You can't text everything!