Saturday, February 4, 2012

Its official I'm going back to Paris

As you all know I love being carefree, adventurous and engaged in life. To celebrate graduating from medical school in May.... Drum roll... I'm going back to PARIS! and London! Im going for 2 weeks solo!

I cannot wait! It is going to feel so liberating to travel to a foreign country alone. I think this is something every woman in her mid twenties should consider doing.
PARIS HERE I COME! ROUND 2. Its going down!!!! 

If you have something you recommend for my 2nd European vacay... let me know! Now taking suggestions. I plan to do a lot of walking, bike tours, sitting at coffee shops... and just being carefee. Roof top bars, shopping, eating alone :) And maybe meet my French boyfriend :0 

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Go to the Louvre if you didn't last time. Also Versailles is worth the trip. You have to take a train out of city to the palace. Nice way to spend a day though.