Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fall flavor

Hey Friends! 

Fall is in the air. The air is definitely crisp and refreshing.  I am back in Chapel Thrill and it feels SOOOO good to be back in my comfort zone.  I can't say I have anything really interesting to blog about.. So i'll just share some random life updates. 

Shopping. Lately I have noticed that my accessories game is wack. Jewelry can really complete an outfit and bring freshness to an old look.  
A Few websites:    http://piperlime.gap.com/  They have a pretty good clearance section and if you type in LUCK on checkout you get 20% off your purchase.  I also have a friend with a jewelry company. www.stelladot.com/whitneyd  check out her site. 

Fitness: Well.. As always my workout plan is forever changing. Now I am on a spin class + yoga kick. Appears to be a great combo. If you would like to join me for yoga.. I'm serious! It will change your body!   My favorite yoga studio is having a DJ next Tuesday Oct 11th for the 545 class. Fun times!  They are also hosting a Halloween party.  I will DEFINITELY be in attendance. I was thinking I could go as beyonce.... TBD. find a single ladies outfit.. big ring. Put a ring on it! hmmmm this could be a pun of a current life message.  yeah... TBD.   

Reading:   Book of the month! I am reading a really interesting read called JUST KIDS by Patti Smith. She was a rock star in the 70s. This is her memoir. Its about her life in NYC in the 60s and 70s. A bunch of art, drugs, rock and roll. Different but very well written. She has a poetic sound to her writing. 

Dating: Check out my previous post. My New theme: No racial boundaries.  

Spiritually: Finding my way back to the spiritual focus I have been missing during my travels. Praying for all the things I want and hope to be blessed with in life. 
Psalm 20: 4 May He grant you according to your hearts desire, and fulfill all your purpose. 

HMMMM i think this is all i have for now! I love fall. I hope you are taking time to enjoy life.. love.. live.. read.. work out.. spend time with friends. Life is too short! It's the year of the 25 :-) 


feeling close to my dr swag.. bribri   or better yet ..
don't let me get in my zone..bribri :-) 

** got my first round of interviews! There is hope! I might finally get a job one day! 

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