Thursday, May 26, 2011


I liked what I titled LaVonne's post so much I had to steal it again.. which has been a hit!

The mid twenties... a tale of a young single professional woman

It all started in high school... a feeling that the expectations were a little higher
An intuition that many of these girls would probably never leave this neighborhood and I needed to see the world
So I pushed on.. payed attention in class when it wasn’t cool, kept my mind and my body out the gutter and kept it in the books
High school graduation seemed like the pentacle.. when in reality it was just the beginning.
College was tough. And wow was I in for some serious challenges.
No longer did my barely paying attention and cramming earn an A. My Decatur version of hard work barely earned me Cs.
All the while trying to keep my little high school boyfriend and pledge a sorority which is another story in itself I tried to push through to my dream.
I eventually had to decide.. between my future or living in fear.
So then I made the decision..... summer school.... and Nope I wasn’t going home to kick it and double date.
I needed to grind it out and keep pushing on.
Yeah that meant being single was not too far behind that decision. no surprise.  
No worries. Summer school paid off and I was back on academic track.
I was always in trouble with my sorority sisters because a chic had to study :-)
While my friends were living it up and always having a good time.. I was ALWAYS studying
Me and the health care crew... better known as the Davis crew. We were always burning the midnight oil. focused on the dream
Good news though.. burning the oil paid off. We all got into our respective schools and the dream became real.
An assurance comes with knowing you will be happy in your profession and financially stable in life but i must say..
The sacrifices did not end there.. Homecomings were missed, dating life was non existent

And then somewhere in there the reality hit us.. Well now that we know we will reach the dream. now what.  The fight to get in is over.
Will we enjoy the journey along the way?  or continue to say.. we can’t make it or I have to study.
Not that the battle professionally is still not underway. Because believe me it is..
But now becomes the battle to complete the picture.
The fight for love
The fight for happiness.
The fight for travel
The fight to not loose touch with family and friends.
All this and more is at the core of my heart at the age of 25.
I would hate to call it a mid life crisis.. More like a midlife change in perspective..
A change in what is at the forefront of my mind.
A willingness to live in the moment, enjoy the journey and look fondly towards the destination.
An assurance that all things will come with time although at times it feels as though we are forced to choose.

God has so much in store for me. And I must constantly remind myself of these things. Though I may be ready for love, and ready for travel, and ready to no longer be constantly studying for an exam, and ready to explore my creative side, or read leisurely as often as I would like...
I must still keep my eye on the prize. And be patient for when it is time for me to enjoy all these things.

This is my reflection at the age of 25.


Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perserverance. Let perserverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complere, not lacking anything.
James ch1: 2-4

Stay FLY ANd 25! this is just the beginning :-)

1 comment:

LaVonne said...

Beautifully written post Briana. I can definitely say that I agree with your entire reflection. At times it's very difficult to maintain focus on the task at hand (i.e. exams, quizzes, boards, etc.) when there are still other things which you desire (i.e. relationships, leisure time, etc. ). It's a huge sacrifice, but one that I'm sure neither of us would change for the world. I never want either of us to look back on our should've, could've, would'ves...because we ARE. Stay focused...and when you least expect it...all of your heart's desires will be fulfilled. Love u sis!!

Matthew 6:33-34..........