Sunday, March 24, 2013

Well I had a good run

I like the tar heels am done. I had a good run of regular life. I enjoyed two weeks of vacation and two weeks of outpatient medicine.

Tomorrow I am officially back to the grind. The next 11 weeks have one open weekend, plenty of 80 hour weeks, 3 weeks of night float and a mix of oncology patients and liver patients.. which if you aren't in medicine means..complex and even more complex.

So basically. This is my last post......


Today I must write about my shopping high. I am not sure if this is healthy. I knew exactly what I needed today before this hard stretch. I needed church. And I needed Tjmaxx. And luckily this kind girl at church put me onto the best tj maxx ever!

I rented my zip car. Called my homie Emerson. It was on and popping.

I think I went to the best tj maxx of my life today. A shopper's dream. There was so much color. So many bargains. I was literally giddy and overwhelmed at first and had to regroup and focus. I knew that with no car... I wouldn't be back for awhile.

Anyway.. On a serious note. I always like to set a few goals for a long stretch on the wards.
This will be my last 3 months as an intern. Praise God! It's time to wisen up and sharpen my skills.
My goals... get as much rest as i can, preserve myself while appropriately giving to my patients (I can over do it) and continue to pray that God guides my career. Make it clear to me where I'm supposed to be going. I need to focus. Also get right for the summer time. 3 months. a few lbs. I got this! words... lets just say I cancelled a date on Saturday. Best decision I've made in weeks.

Enjoy my pics from Shoppers Delight.

Hopefully a post will be coming soon from Louisville Kentucky this weekend. an epic reunion is in store. stay tuned.

Let the madness begin.  And it is WAYYYY past my bedtime..

Song of the Day: This goes out to you.. you .. youuuuuu

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