Saturday, March 23, 2013

Philly is growing on me...

Nature meets man made structures. 

It is so funny how life happens.

My last two years in North Carolina I spent most of my free time complaining about how fast I needed to get out of NC. It was all I could think about. Somehow I figured that everything that was not perfect in my life would miraculously get better in a new city. Subsequently I learned that moving is actually TOUGH and too my surprise I really missed it when I left. Moving is also not nearly as glamorous as I thought it would be. I was initially going for that Carrie in Philly vibe ;) ..

The good news is... Philly is growing on me :) The first few months it was new and daunting. Then I went through a phase of "I miss NC"  but now I am in a comfortable phase. I like it. I enjoy the restaurants  the bars, the museums, the people and I especially love my runs in the city.

I probably shouldn't run at night... but the lights of the city are especially pretty at night.

My iphone, running shoes and I get around. I often stop running and just take in the moments.

Sometimes you just need to stop... enjoy the quiet moments.

my favorite street to run down. Benjamin Franklin.

the top of the museum steps

I love the view of the city from university city

One of my favorite spots to stop for a scenic break

Sometimes I avoid looking in the direction of the hospital.. seriously it's like that.. but today it was pretty.. I had to give in.

Enjoy a Quiet Moment To Yourself. 

Song of the Day

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