Thursday, July 7, 2011

I need to kiss R&B music goodbye!

Well this one is definitely for my single twentysomethings out there.

It is official. I think summertime is the worst time to be single. No worries ladies.. I've come with good news! You can easily make it through the summertime singledom if you stop listening to R&B music!  I promise. It will make things ALLLLL better. For example.

Last week the one and only King B otherwise known as Beyonce came out with her highly anticipated album 4. While eagerly opening my CD I was hype. Already singing to the left to left and humming upgrade u before I could get the wrapper off. I just knew I had some girl power anthems in store.  I quickly realized when the album started off with 1 + 1 that beyonce had something else in mind. Homegirl is in love. Clearly Jay Z is doing something right in her life! Believe me there is no jealousy in that last statement. promise!
She goes on to sing.... she has been shot by somebody's love bullet. Next track.. I miss u... Let me love u till the end of time... something about why are we fighting over the same old thing (that one really got me).
Before I could even get to girls rule the world which is the last track of the album.. I was layed out looking pitiful on my couch wishing I was in love. AND only 30 minutes earlier was I humming let me upgrade you! Because yes Beyonce's great as they are... are never longer than 30 minutes.

What is the point of this long saga. Just how easily emotions can be changed and affected by R&B music, love music, baby making music as some people call it. Once I listened to Beyonce's CD about 10 times and was borderline depressed I said you know what! I am going to kiss r&b music goodbye! No more! not me! "I'm not that girl!" As my friend amanda likes to say! ;-)  Well that lasted all of one day. After all the gospel music in the world I needed a change of pace and found myself back to my Jill Scott and Alicia Keys playlist.

So whats the answer? Clearly, I do not know. I think being aware of when your emotions are not their strongest and  laying off the repeat x1 Alicia Keys "I need you" might be a start.  I mean it is unrealistic to think I will never listen to another love song until I'm in love.... But I do not think I need to have the sappy music on repeat all the time. Longing for that B and Hov love is cute and all. or even better that Barack and Michelle love! But why miss the marvelous moments that are in my presence.

Spending time with my family! Laughing with friends! Dreaming about what place in the world I will see next! Enjoying that tonight I ate cereal and did not have to worry about any one else's well being.

I end this post with this! Summer could be much much better if we could kiss R&B music goodbye! Until then!


Here is one good slow jam for the road! That R&B is no good! I tell ya! Listen! and THEN kiss R&B goodbye!


LaVonne said...

Nice Post :)

Amanda said...

I've realized the key is to create an entire Beyonce (or whichever artist you can't live without) Playlist, with all albums that way you get a nice blend of "single lady" anthems but can also get the love songs that touch the heart in the mix too. My Beyonce always gives me my swag while also gives me hope for that Jay and Bey/Barack and Michelle type love!