Saturday, July 23, 2011

Missing IT.

Have you ever missed something that you once had?  It’s been gone for awhile and then you all of sudden look around as if it was just there.  Once very important in your life. Helping you get from place to place. Keeping you warm when needed … or cooling you off like an unexpected breeze on a sticky summer evening.  But you have been moving so fast right? No time to worry about things that are no more.  Adjusted. Found a replacement. Moved some things around. Redecorated to fool your memories, your mind, your routine. Just keep moving. You won’t even realize you lost it. Right.  But then you stop.
Stop. Breathe. Look around for it. And shoot its not there.  Well where is it. Oh whatever. Its gone right. Then someone else asks.. Where is it?? Did you lose it? What happened?   I DON’T KNOW!
Do you miss it? Hmmm I don’t think so. But I guess now that you asked... maybe.  Its okay.. Let me get moving again. I won’t miss it anymore. I already replaced it.   Then you ask… What do you really miss?? I mean your first ride was great?? But the new one is smooth right??  Your first house had personality but this new one is big with plenty of space... How could you possibly miss it??  What is IT anyway.  Is IT that amazing lip gloss you lost, that car you sold, a friendship that got away, a love that was lost. Are you really missing it… or the idea of IT. The idea that this lip gloss was going to help u snag the one!  Or maybe that ride was a sign of independence. You and that friend were going to take the world by storm… Or that love and thoughts of what IT could be.
Whatever it is. Missing it is just it. It’s missing. Gone. But we still wonder….It’ll show up again..right? I’m going to find that lip gloss ;-) I just know it.


Amanda said...

Love this!
Sooo, what if your it was just out of reach and you never really had "it" but were always trying to find are left with a "what if" until it does in fact show up again? Should you still just cough it up as a lost instead of exploring the what if?

That sounds kind of like a spoken word poem...

Or maybe I'm just taking this metaphor to a level it never should have

Lauren said...

I love this post! I lost an it recently. But I began to realize it wasn't all I wanted anyway. I kept trying to mold it. Still miss it sometimes though.