Wednesday, August 7, 2013

First night as a resident

The feelings are new. The added level of responsibility. The sounds of a quiet hospital at night.
You hear every buzz and alarm knowing that it's just you, the 30 patients you're covering and a bunch of well intention-ed nurses.

The things I didn't expect my first night alone... When you're alone you think a few seconds longer, consultants are still extremely rude especially the younger the fellow.. floor managers and coordinators are still out to be against residents at every turn, decision and thought.

The great thing about being overnight is the little high you get in the morning when you've made it through the night un-bruised and ego intact. I have many many nights to go and I'm sure many more lessons are in store but I am definitely happy to have survived the first overnight call in one piece

More stories to come.... :)

This just came on my radio  :)  Old School. Gotta Love it.

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